Monday, December 23, 2013
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! We celebrate special occasions, most of the world has heard of Christmas and are aware of the day its celebrated. The grinch of anti-christian, anti-God sentiments has not been able to wipe out Dec. 25 from the holiday schedule. The world celebrates the birth of the Lord, history is divided, before the birth(BC) after the birth
(AD). The Lord Jesus is the great divider, he does not compromise the truth, some will leave because the truth is too hard to accept. Some try so hard to melt down, soften, reshape the truth of the Lord but its the truth that will set them free. The truth lets one see as God sees, the infinite Good knows what constitutes love and joy. Nothing can disturb God because he is the truth, not one shadow eclipses his being, he is pure light, love and virtue, to walk into the presence of God would be to walk into holiness. We wouldn't be able to stand in his presence without being purified, it would be too overwhelming. The Lord covers that purity of God with his humanity so we can come into his presence and fellowship with him on the journey home, he is God's adapter for us, we can truly experience our beloved God through the gifts given by the Holy Trinity. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Birthday to all on Dec 25 and whenever your birthday is! May we be a people who celebrate for all eternity! **********This blog will resume Jan 2, 2O14.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
St. John of the Cross- Born in 1542, Fontiveros, Spain; died in 1591, Úbeda, Spain - The Lord has always revealed to mortals the treasures of his wisdom and his spirit, but now that the face of evil bares itself more and more, so does the Lord bare his treasures more.*******
Though the path is plain and smooth for people of good will, those who walk it will not travel far, and will do so only with difficulty if they do not have good feet, courage, and tenacity of spirit.************
The virtuous soul that is alone and without a master, is like a lone burning coal; it will grow colder rather than hotter.********** God values in you an inclination to aridity and suffering for love of Him more than all possible consolations, spiritual visions, and meditations.******* He who does not allow his appetites to carry him away will soar in his spirit as swiftly as the bird that lacks no feathers.*********** Mine are the heavens and mine is the earth. Mine are the nations, the just are mine, and mine the sinners. The angels are mine, and the Mother of God, and all things are mine; and God Himself is mine and for me, because Christ is mine and all for me.********** A soul that is hard because of its self-love grows harder. O good Jesus, if You do not soften it, it will ever continue in its natural hardness.************ Reflect that the most delicate flower loses its fragrance and withers fastest; therefore guard yourself against seeking to walk in a spirit of delight, for you will not be constant. Choose rather for yourself a robust spirit, detached from everything, and you will discover abundant peace and sweetness, for savory and durable fruit is gathered in a cold and dry climate.********* Think not that pleasing God lies so much in doing a great deal as in doing it with good will, without possessiveness and human respect.********** Do not rejoice in temporal prosperity, since you do not know if it gives you assurance of eternal life.*********** Rejoice habitually in God, Who is your salvation, and reflect that it is good to suffer in any way for Him Who is good.********* Preserve a loving attentiveness to God with no desire to feel or understand any particular thing concerning Him. ********* The poor man who is naked will be clothed, and the soul that is naked of desires and whims will be clothed by God with His purity, satisfaction, and will.********** There are souls that wallow in the mire like animals, and there are others that soar like birds, which purify and cleanse themselves in the air.************ The devil fears a soul united to God as he does God Himself.********* Once being asked how one becomes enraptured, the Venerable Father Fray John of the Cross, replied: by denying one's own will and doing the will of God; for an ecstasy is nothing else than going out of self and being caught up in God; and this is what he who obeys does; he leave himself and his desire, and thus unburdened plunges himself in God.*********** Never give up prayer, and should you find dryness and difficulty, persevere in it for this very reason. God often desires to see what love your soul has, and love is not tried by ease and satisfaction.********** Suffering for God is better than working miracles.******** Oh, what blessings we will enjoy in the vision of the Most Blessed Trinity!*******
Friday, December 20, 2013
The map; the cross. East to west, north to south, the cross points the direction for the earth, for heaven, for hell. We look at the cross and part of it is in the earth, part of it is above the earth, most people do not die suspended between heaven and earth. The savior extends his arms to the earth, he lifts his head to the Father, his enemy's are beneath his feet, the God-Man is looked upon by believers and unbelievers, greeted with tears and curses, free will and power lines up before the cross, we shall serve you, we shall not serve you and they go to his right or his left. He dies for all, but he will not interfere with mankind's freedom to love him or not. His blood falls down upon each group, one group is healed, the other group is judged.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
The cross of victims, nobody wants to be a victim of anothers free will and power. Unfortunately, the world has had many a victim from all ages to God himself who was so cruelly treated by the free will and power of others. God is especially close to those who have suffered this outrage of unfairness and hate. Nobody has the right to use their power for the harm of others, to do so is to crucify humanity again and again. The Lord is with all the crucified and he will have his day when he will summon the earth before him. Every act of hatred and harm will be accounted for, justice will be served, the repentant and the unrepentant will see the cross, they too will be on the cross, one acknowledging their fault and failing, the other cursing God. We will pass through the cross into the kingdom, like the good thief who was then ready to be with the Lord in his father's house. The one who does not go to the father's house also passes through the cross like the unrepentant criminal next to the Lord's cross, without any remorse and faith his anger and contempt for the Lord flares up to remove the death sentence. The Lord didn't remove the death sentence for any of them, they all died by the cross and one went on with the Lord and the other did not. The good thief, passing through the cross enters into paradise, the other criminal passing through the cross enters into a place without the Lord and calvary does not look so bad now.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
St. Francis de Sales - Born in 1567, Château de Sales, France; died in 1622, Lyon, France. - It should be our principal business to conquer ourselves and, from day to day, to go on increasing in strength and perfection. Above all, however, it is necessary for us to strive to conquer our little temptations, such as fits of anger, suspicions, jealousies, envy, deceitfulness, vanity, attachments, and evil thoughts. For in this way we shall acquire strength to subdue greater ones.************** We accuse our neighbor for so little, and we excuse ourselves for so much.***********The Prayer of the sick person is his patience and his acceptance of his sickness for the love of Jesus Christ. Make sickness itself a prayer, for there is none more powerful, save martyrdom!************* Oh what remorse we shall feel at the end of our lives, when we look back upon the great number of instructions and examples afforded by God and the Saints for our perfection, and so carelessly received by us! If this end were to come to you today, how would you be pleased with the life you have led this year?**********Man is the perfection of the Universe. The spirit is the perfection of man. Love is the perfection of the spirit, and charity that of love. Therefore, the love of God is the end, the perfection of the Universe.**********He who truly desires Love, seeks it truly. And he who truly seeks it, surely finds it. And he who finds it has found the Fountain of Life.*******The state of marriage is one that requires more virtue and constancy than any other: it is a perpetual exercise of mortification.********** It must be obvious that devotion ought to be practiced differently by the gentleman, the artist, the employee, the prince, the widow, the celibate, the spouse.*********** Be certain of this: it is an error, even heresy, to want to banish the devout life from the company of soldiers, the shops of artisans, the courts of princes and the homes of married people.************* When God's will is shown clearly to us through divine ordinances and commandments, there is nothing further to deliberate on for we must simply do what has been ordained. But for all other things it is in our liberty to choose what seems good according to our preferences.**********We ought not to become overly disturbed with ourselves because of our imperfections.********** We correct ourselves better by a calm and lasting repentance than by one that is bitter and angry.*********** We must not be astonished to see ourselves imperfect, since we must never see ourselves otherwise in this life.************ From time to time one must recreate and relax in mind and body.************ Perfection does not lie in avoiding the world, but in not clinging to it.********** Riches can prick us with a thousand troubles in getting them, as many cares in preserving them, more anxieties in spending them, and with grief in losing them.***********
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Chocolate toothpaste. I had a dream that I went to church and there was a sign saying they had a problem and to go to the local gas station where someone would be distributing communion. So I go and see the line for communion, I'm the last one in line. As I reach the lady distributing communion she has her back towards me and is locking up a big metal container. She turns and sees me there waiting to recieve communion with a surprised look and says come back tomorrow. So, I come back the next day, see the line and once again I'm the last one. The person in front of me recieves communion and once again the lady has her back towards me locking up the metal container. She turns towards me once again acting surprised and I said you have to wait till everyone recieves communion and this time I wasn't leaving. So she frantically opens the container looking through it and pulls out chocolate toothpaste and squeezes it for communion. I look at her in shock and said what have you been giving people? She didn't have faith in the communion host and when she ran out anything could be a substitute. She believed I would accept this gesture of communion. Her look said to me its just a symbol my look to her said its not a symbol and it cannot be replaced. Symbol or reality, the consecrated host will be consumed by faith and love or like a piece of food that reminds one of Christ but is not the real deal. The flesh and blood of Christ has become eatable for body, heart, soul and mind, a privileged union for those who believe. ************ A website of Eucharistic Miracles **********Chinese Eucharistic Martyr inspired Archbishop Fulton Sheen to pray his Holy Hour
During China's 1911 Republican Revolution or the earlier Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901), anti-Catholic militants seized a Catholic parish. They confined the pastor to house arrest. From his rectory window he witnessed the desecration of the Church. He knew that there had been thirty-two consecrated hosts in the tabernacle. An eleven year old girl was praying at the back of the church and the guards either did not see her or else paid no attention to her. She returned to the Church that night and made a Holy Hour and then consumed one of the sacred hosts, bending down to receive Jesus on her tongue. She continued to return every night, making a nightly Holy Hour and consuming one sacred host. On the last night, the thirty-second night, unfortunately a guard was awakened after she consumed the sacred host. He chased her, grabbed her, and beat her to death with his rifle. Archbishop Fulton Sheen became aware of her martyrdom while he was a seminarian. He was so inspired by her sacrifice that he promised to pray a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament each day for the rest of his life.
During China's 1911 Republican Revolution or the earlier Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901), anti-Catholic militants seized a Catholic parish. They confined the pastor to house arrest. From his rectory window he witnessed the desecration of the Church. He knew that there had been thirty-two consecrated hosts in the tabernacle. An eleven year old girl was praying at the back of the church and the guards either did not see her or else paid no attention to her. She returned to the Church that night and made a Holy Hour and then consumed one of the sacred hosts, bending down to receive Jesus on her tongue. She continued to return every night, making a nightly Holy Hour and consuming one sacred host. On the last night, the thirty-second night, unfortunately a guard was awakened after she consumed the sacred host. He chased her, grabbed her, and beat her to death with his rifle. Archbishop Fulton Sheen became aware of her martyrdom while he was a seminarian. He was so inspired by her sacrifice that he promised to pray a holy hour before the Blessed Sacrament each day for the rest of his life.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Kiss the sunset goodbye. To be in the presence of beauty and good is a torment for the lost angels. They would rather be in the slums, in the noisy cities, in seedy clubs and whacked out perverted mansions and homes. Its a drug for them to take in the sight of evil blocking out the loss of God and the good. They have nothing to live for as the days grow shorter to harm the one causing them pain. Their victory, a product of their imagination comforts them with reality, so they look to get drunk with blood or pain. They cannot have good so they despise every reminder of it, they live only to add souls to their state of hate and godlessness. They kissed the sunset of heaven goodbye, souls who have join them have kissed the sunset of earth goodbye, "drug me up for we have nothing" echoes in their being. Lost of God and good needs a fix, something must replace the nothingness but it all fails as the sun rises and the sun sets.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
St. Thomas Aquinas - born in Italy about 1226; died in 1274 - In the life of the body a man is sometimes sick, and unless he takes medicine, he will die. Even so in the spiritual life a man is sick on account of sin. For that reason he needs medicine so that he may be restored to health; and this grace is bestowed in the Sacrament of Penance. ***********There are two sides to every sin: the turning of the will toward fleeting satisfaction and the turning away from everlasting value. As regards to the first, the principle of all sins can be called lust--- lust in its most general sense, namely, the unbridled desire for one's own pleasure. As regards to the second, the principle is pride---pride in its general sense, the lack of submission to God. ********** Be assured that he who shall always walk faithfully in God's presence, always ready to give Him an account of all his actions, shall never be separated from Him by consenting to sin.*********** To know whom to avoid is a great means of saving our souls.********To love God is something greater than to know Him. ****** To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.***********There must be a first mover existing above all and this we call God.********
Grant, O Lord my God, that I may never fall away in success or in failure; that I may not be prideful in prosperity nor dejected in adversity. Let me rejoice only in what unites us and sorrow only in what separates us. May I strive to please no one or fear to displease anyone except Yourself. May I see always the things that are eternal and never those that are only temporal. May I shun any joy that is without You and never seek any that is beside You. O Lord, may I delight in any work I do for You and tire of any rest that is apart from You. My God, let me direct my heart towards You, and in my failings, always repent with a purpose of amendment.***********Obedience unites us so closely to God that it in a way transforms us into Him, so that we have no other will but His.
If obedience is lacking, even prayer cannot be pleasing to God.***********The Sacrament of the Body of the Lord puts the demons to flight, defends us against the incentives to vice and to concupiscence, cleanses the soul from sin, quiets the anger of God, enlightens the understanding to know God, inflames the will and the affections with the love of God, fills the memory with spiritual sweetness, confirms the entire man in good, frees us from eternal death, multiplies the merits of a good life, leads us to our everlasting home, and re-animates the body to eternal life.**********"[It is appropriate that the Body and Blood of Christ be truly present in this Sacrament] because of the perfection of the New Covenant. The sacrifices of the Old Covenant contained the true sacrifice of Christ's Passion only in symbol.
...Therefore it was necessary that the sacrifice of the New Covenant, instituted by Christ, have something more, namely, that it contain Christ Himself who has suffered and contain Him not only in symbol but in reality.*********The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, it produces Love.************'The greater the charity of the saints, in their heavenly home, the more they intercede for those who are still on their journey and the more they can help them by their prayers; the more they are united with God, the more effective those prayers are. This is in accordance with divine order, which makes higher things react upon lower things, like the brightnees of the sun filling the atmosphere.********'In recalling to mind the life and actions of the saints, walk in their footsteps as much as possible, and humble thyself if thou canst not attain to their perfection.*********Seek praises from God alone.********Man has to believe others in matters that he cannot know perfectly by himself. Now no one is to be believed as much as God is. Thus, those who will not believe the statements of faith are not wise, but foolish and proud.***********
Grant, O Lord my God, that I may never fall away in success or in failure; that I may not be prideful in prosperity nor dejected in adversity. Let me rejoice only in what unites us and sorrow only in what separates us. May I strive to please no one or fear to displease anyone except Yourself. May I see always the things that are eternal and never those that are only temporal. May I shun any joy that is without You and never seek any that is beside You. O Lord, may I delight in any work I do for You and tire of any rest that is apart from You. My God, let me direct my heart towards You, and in my failings, always repent with a purpose of amendment.***********Obedience unites us so closely to God that it in a way transforms us into Him, so that we have no other will but His.
If obedience is lacking, even prayer cannot be pleasing to God.***********The Sacrament of the Body of the Lord puts the demons to flight, defends us against the incentives to vice and to concupiscence, cleanses the soul from sin, quiets the anger of God, enlightens the understanding to know God, inflames the will and the affections with the love of God, fills the memory with spiritual sweetness, confirms the entire man in good, frees us from eternal death, multiplies the merits of a good life, leads us to our everlasting home, and re-animates the body to eternal life.**********"[It is appropriate that the Body and Blood of Christ be truly present in this Sacrament] because of the perfection of the New Covenant. The sacrifices of the Old Covenant contained the true sacrifice of Christ's Passion only in symbol.
...Therefore it was necessary that the sacrifice of the New Covenant, instituted by Christ, have something more, namely, that it contain Christ Himself who has suffered and contain Him not only in symbol but in reality.*********The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Love; It signifies Love, it produces Love.************'The greater the charity of the saints, in their heavenly home, the more they intercede for those who are still on their journey and the more they can help them by their prayers; the more they are united with God, the more effective those prayers are. This is in accordance with divine order, which makes higher things react upon lower things, like the brightnees of the sun filling the atmosphere.********'In recalling to mind the life and actions of the saints, walk in their footsteps as much as possible, and humble thyself if thou canst not attain to their perfection.*********Seek praises from God alone.********Man has to believe others in matters that he cannot know perfectly by himself. Now no one is to be believed as much as God is. Thus, those who will not believe the statements of faith are not wise, but foolish and proud.***********
Friday, December 13, 2013
The woman and the beast, round one the beast. Mary says yes to the plan of God, round two the woman. The woman would rise above the rank of angels and be seated next to the throne of her son. The King would crown his mother Queen of his creation. All celebrate the woman and the wisdom of God, the highest creation has far exceeded the high angel turn rebel and cannot excel or compete with the power and rank given to the Mother of God. Those who serve the beast, serve one who is under the woman, God is head of the woman, head of creation, head of the church, he is Master and Lord. Rank of creatures has been reorder to reflect true greatness in the eyes of God. The beast has gone lower, the woman has gone higher, rejoice Eve at the image seated next to the throne of God. Free will of creatures can descend or ascend to their final dwelling place, the weight of a harden heart and bloated pride are like the snake who crawls on the ground while the heart and mind that God dwells in is like the birds who can rise above themselves, enjoying many different heights and advantage points. The beast can strike at the woman's heel while the woman can strike at the beast head, the final round a deadly bite or a severed head, Mary and the Church says to its members, victory is ours but as a consolation the beast will strike again and again until the fateful day bringing as much death as possible to the children of God. Like the serpents in the desert striking the Israelites who complained against God and Moses, finding no relief until admitting their sin and God giving the remedy; look upon the image of a snake mounted on a pole. Looking at the image of the snake was going to bring relief to the snake-bitten. How about souls who have been bitten by the beast, injecting his venom of death. Surely, if one admits their fault and looks upon the one who can heal their wounds, they too shall live. Moses interceded for the people who came and confessed their guilt to him so too God has provided many ministers to intercede for the people and give the remedy for healing. A snake bite can be deadly but a beast bite doesn't have to be, we have a 1OO% cure. The woman and the beast, one lives, one wishes not to live, life is the winner.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Radical Catholic, why not, the world is radical for its causes of issues against catholic teaching. The world sings the praises of leaders who put in harms way the unborn children of God, as if their opening the door to the slaughter house is no big deal. Look! they say at all this person has done for society while the blood of the unborn drips on the ground they govern. Drop by drop, the blood fills the land and God who is a respecter of no one will not be a part of the chorus for one who let his neighbor be put to death without interceding by word, action or prayer. We radical catholics who are against the slaughter in society are not violent lawbreakers but a voice for God's children not to be put to death. We know the wages of death will lead to damnation of many who stood by cowardlessly not doing one thing to intervene, a prayer, a vote,... compromising for other benefits, the blood will be a witness and call out to God for justice with society hearing the words of Christ at the last judgement, what you did for the unborn you did for me, put the knife in Christ's hand, could he drive it through the heart of one who wants to live and not die, if he can't how can one who wants to be welcome by him not be horrified by the murder of another. The unborn children will be at the last judgement and justice will be served, the leaders and people that are guilty of their death by direct and indirect means, having no compassion or remorse for their life being snuffed out will forever see the blood on their hands. Let us not die with the blood of the unborn on our hands, let us beg forgiveness if we ever did anything in word or action that contribute to a life being taken, we are indeed our brothers keeper and we will be reminded at the last judgement what we did or did not do for Christ. In todays society God understands we have to be prudent when approached by people because life is cheap and violence is out there so I might and might not give a buck to a person asking, it just depends but I will say a silent prayer for the person as I continue my day. We follow our Head who is uncompromising in life and love, we need to rise in virtue and not to sweep away responsiblity and accountability like Cain who took care of his problem with an act of violence and then declared he is not his brothers keeper. He became separate from God and separate from his family, only concern about his own well being. Me, myself and I is the trinity that wanders aimlessly and is marked with the blood of the earth.*******Many people protest the violence in the bible as Israel at times put to death all the inhabitants in war, men, women and children. We know Israel time after time would fall away into idolatry with the punishment of the death and capture of their society warned by God. The nations who practiced idolatry knew the God of Israel was against all gods save himself and it was forbidden to the point of death which happen to Israel and the practicising nations of false gods. The religion of false gods with its various worships and sacrifices is an abomination to the God of Israel and like Sodom and Gomorrah was wiped out to serve a higher purpose of warning from the one true God.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
St. Ambrose of Milan - born probably 340, at Trier, Arles, or Lyons; died 4 April, 397. - When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking of Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking of Christ.*********He who knows not how to command his desires, finds himself hurried away with them.********Why do you not use the time when you have nothing to do for reading or for prayer? Why do you not go and visit Christ our Lord and speak with Him and listen to Him? For when we pray we speak with God, and when we read, we listen to God.**********When there was so much glory to be seen among the Apostles, Zachaeus, hearing that the Lord Jesus was passing by, climbed a tree because he was small and weak and could not see the Lord through the crowd. He saw Christ and he found light. He saw Christ and instead of robbing others of their goods he began to give away his own.********(Prefigurations of Baptism in
the Old Testament Scriptures)
Listen to the Apostle’s teaching: For all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. Moreover, Moses himself sings in triumph You sent your Spirit and the sea covered them. As you see, holy baptism was prefigured even then at the crossing of the sea, where the Egyptians perished but the Hebrews escaped. What else, after all, are we daily taught about baptism? That with the immersion in water, guilt is swallowed up and error done away with, but that virtue and innocence remain unharmed?
You hear that our fathers were under the cloud, a kindly cloud which cooled the heat of carnal passions. That kindly cloud overshadows those whom the Holy Spirit visits. Finally it came upon the Virgin Mary, and the Power of the Most High overshadowed her, when she conceived Redemption for the race of men. The miracle worked by Moses was a prefiguration of this miracle. But then – if the Spirit was in the figure, how can he not be present in the reality? As Scripture says, The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Marah was a spring of unendurably bitter water: Moses threw wood into it and it became sweet. For you see: water without the preaching of the Cross of the Lord is of no use for future salvation, but, after it has been consecrated by the mystery of the wood of the saving Cross, it is made suitable for the use of the spiritual cleansing and of the cup of salvation. So as Moses (that is, the prophet) threw wood into that fountain, so the priest utters over this font the proclamation of the Lord’s cross, and the water is made sweet for the purpose of grace.
You must not trust, then, wholly to your bodily eyes. What is not seen is in reality seen more clearly; for what we see without eyes is temporal whereas what is eternal (and invisible to the eye) is discerned by the mind and spirit.
There is a final lesson to be learned from the book of the Kings which we have just been reading. Naaman was a Syrian, and suffered from leprosy, and there was no-one who could cleanse him. Then a maiden from among the captives said that there was a prophet in Israel, who could cleanse him from the defilement of the leprosy. And it is said that, having taken silver and gold, Naaman went to the king of Israel. And the king, when he heard why Naaman had come, tore his garments, saying that this was an attempt to put him in the wrong, since healing leprosy was not in the power of kings. Elisha, however, sent word to the king that he should send the Syrian to him, so that he might know there was a God in Israel. And when he had come, he told him to dip himself seven times in the river Jordan.
Naaman doubted until the time when he was cleansed; but you are cleansed by now, and so you should not have doubts.*********It is wonderful that God rained manna on our fathers and they were fed with daily food from heaven. And so it is written: Man ate the bread of angels. Yet those who ate that bread all died in the desert. But the food that you receive, that living bread which came down from heaven, supplies the very substance of eternal life, and whoever will eat it will never die, for it is the body of Christ.
Consider now which is the more excellent: the bread of angels or the flesh of Christ, which is indeed the body that gives life. The first was manna from heaven, the second is above the heavens. One was of heaven, the other is of the Lord of the heavens; one subject to corruption if it was kept till the morrow, the other free from all corruption, for if anyone tastes of it with reverence he will be incapable of corruption. For our fathers, water flowed from the rock; for you, blood flows from Christ. Water satisfied their thirst for a time; blood cleanses you for ever. The Jew drinks and still thirsts, but when you drink you will be incapable of thirst. What happened in symbol is now fulfilled in reality. If what you marvel at is a shadow, how great is the reality whose very shadow you marvel at. Listen to this, which shows that what happened in the time of our fathers was but a shadow. They drank, it is written, from the rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ. All this took place as a symbol for us. You know now what is more excellent: light is preferable to its shadow, reality to its symbol, the body of the Giver to the manna he gave from heaven. *******
In Christ we are all things, He is everything to us. If you have wounds to heal, He is a physician; if fever scorches you, He is a fountain. Would you punish evil doing, He is justice. If you need help, He is strength; if you fear death, He is life; if you hunger, He is food.********No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.**********He took what is mine in order that He might impart to me what is His. He took it not to overturn it but to fill it. ********
the Old Testament Scriptures)
Listen to the Apostle’s teaching: For all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. Moreover, Moses himself sings in triumph You sent your Spirit and the sea covered them. As you see, holy baptism was prefigured even then at the crossing of the sea, where the Egyptians perished but the Hebrews escaped. What else, after all, are we daily taught about baptism? That with the immersion in water, guilt is swallowed up and error done away with, but that virtue and innocence remain unharmed?
You hear that our fathers were under the cloud, a kindly cloud which cooled the heat of carnal passions. That kindly cloud overshadows those whom the Holy Spirit visits. Finally it came upon the Virgin Mary, and the Power of the Most High overshadowed her, when she conceived Redemption for the race of men. The miracle worked by Moses was a prefiguration of this miracle. But then – if the Spirit was in the figure, how can he not be present in the reality? As Scripture says, The law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
Marah was a spring of unendurably bitter water: Moses threw wood into it and it became sweet. For you see: water without the preaching of the Cross of the Lord is of no use for future salvation, but, after it has been consecrated by the mystery of the wood of the saving Cross, it is made suitable for the use of the spiritual cleansing and of the cup of salvation. So as Moses (that is, the prophet) threw wood into that fountain, so the priest utters over this font the proclamation of the Lord’s cross, and the water is made sweet for the purpose of grace.
You must not trust, then, wholly to your bodily eyes. What is not seen is in reality seen more clearly; for what we see without eyes is temporal whereas what is eternal (and invisible to the eye) is discerned by the mind and spirit.
There is a final lesson to be learned from the book of the Kings which we have just been reading. Naaman was a Syrian, and suffered from leprosy, and there was no-one who could cleanse him. Then a maiden from among the captives said that there was a prophet in Israel, who could cleanse him from the defilement of the leprosy. And it is said that, having taken silver and gold, Naaman went to the king of Israel. And the king, when he heard why Naaman had come, tore his garments, saying that this was an attempt to put him in the wrong, since healing leprosy was not in the power of kings. Elisha, however, sent word to the king that he should send the Syrian to him, so that he might know there was a God in Israel. And when he had come, he told him to dip himself seven times in the river Jordan.
Naaman doubted until the time when he was cleansed; but you are cleansed by now, and so you should not have doubts.*********It is wonderful that God rained manna on our fathers and they were fed with daily food from heaven. And so it is written: Man ate the bread of angels. Yet those who ate that bread all died in the desert. But the food that you receive, that living bread which came down from heaven, supplies the very substance of eternal life, and whoever will eat it will never die, for it is the body of Christ.
Consider now which is the more excellent: the bread of angels or the flesh of Christ, which is indeed the body that gives life. The first was manna from heaven, the second is above the heavens. One was of heaven, the other is of the Lord of the heavens; one subject to corruption if it was kept till the morrow, the other free from all corruption, for if anyone tastes of it with reverence he will be incapable of corruption. For our fathers, water flowed from the rock; for you, blood flows from Christ. Water satisfied their thirst for a time; blood cleanses you for ever. The Jew drinks and still thirsts, but when you drink you will be incapable of thirst. What happened in symbol is now fulfilled in reality. If what you marvel at is a shadow, how great is the reality whose very shadow you marvel at. Listen to this, which shows that what happened in the time of our fathers was but a shadow. They drank, it is written, from the rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ. All this took place as a symbol for us. You know now what is more excellent: light is preferable to its shadow, reality to its symbol, the body of the Giver to the manna he gave from heaven. *******
In Christ we are all things, He is everything to us. If you have wounds to heal, He is a physician; if fever scorches you, He is a fountain. Would you punish evil doing, He is justice. If you need help, He is strength; if you fear death, He is life; if you hunger, He is food.********No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.**********He took what is mine in order that He might impart to me what is His. He took it not to overturn it but to fill it. ********
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Better to be an atheist than a devil that praises God. The devil loves to put on many hats and faces, one of his favorites is the face of Judas. A person who looks close to the Lord, a part of the fellowship, a singer of God's praises in the public square. Behind the scenes he lives as his own master, his presence among the believers causes tensions, his boldness questions the wisdom of God on the morality of wasting costly perfume when it could have been given to the poor. The bible says Judas was a thief, he looked Jesus in the eyes but did not see his Lord because sin kept him blinded to the light. Miracles, signs , preaching cannot wake up a soul that feels no remorse. Day after day he heard the wisdom of God on many topics, he knew his behavior didn't belong in this group but instead of changing he chose himself above all others. He would see Jesus as many see him , a teacher who could gather a crowd, a spotlight for himself, a follower who could pick and choose his beliefs and actions. Judas was wrong, persisting in sin gave the devil more power and control over him. Jesus warns him forcefully, revealing his sin of betrayal to him and another chance to repent, that it would be better had he never been born then to do what he is about to do. The Lord himself cannot get through, the heart is dead to the truth and the light. To be in the presence of the Lord and continue in sin is like recieving communion and not changing ones behavior, the results will be the same, an eventual hardening of ones heart where true remorse and repentance will be difficult. The urging from God to Judas to change was always there, keep the heart alive to what is good in the eyes of the Lord but one can refuse and refuse and refuse, the results are not isolated to Judas, he is one example of a person who makes one bad decision after another with his last decision being his worse by taking his life and not giving that life once and for all to the Lord. Death bed conversions are not the way to go because they are not guaranteed to happen but the Lord will not refuse any soul who would turned to him even at the last breath.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Count Down ; The power company is turning off the power at 8:00 pm and will resume power at 8:00 am the following day. Of course, you're going to plan accordingly what you want to get accomplished before lights out. I believe the power company will do exactly as it said, so I have to use my time wisely. Deadlines, schedules, appointments, all are demanding a portion of our time. Our time is divided amongst many things, who doesn't wish for more time. Time has an appointment to meet with its Creator , we are living the countdown, we don't know the day or hour but the notice was given long ago to be ready. Time has ended for many a soul, to be ready is the best insurance plan for eternity. Time has no power over eternity, vice-versus, eternity runs the show, starting and stopping the clock. No one knows when the human clock will stop, no one knows when the earth's clock will stop, at times we have an idea it could be near and at other times it comes suddenly and unexpected. Be ready, is good advice for clocks we cannot predict with certainty when will be its last tick. We have an announcement, we knows its coming, we can pretend the power company will not turn off the power after giving notice but then we will not be ready for the outage. Darkness will be the new light when I could've had a flashlight to turn on, I could've had the light of Christ turned on in my soul before the power goes out, to live in darkness is the opposite of living with a light source, the light source illuminates what we could not see on our own. We cannot see what God sees without his light switch being turned on in us, his light can be the source of our seeing and living in this world and the world to come. The Kingdom of light, the kingdom of darkness, one has God as its source of seeing the other has no light to see the true, the beautiful, the good , all these gifts were damaged in some way by the sightless for self love over selfless love. Our free will has transformed us into a version of love, God is the highest love, Satan is the lowest love, we are somewhere on the scale, as we go higher our light becomes brighter as we go lower our light becomes darker, our scale will have a final measurement where we will be either apart of the light or apart of the darkness. Yes to the light, no to the darkness or yes to the darkness, no to the light, we freely choose our place on the scale of love.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Hey ! Yogi Bear! Fear of a wild animal is normal and prudent. To see a wild animal and not have a fear could be deadly. Fear sounds the alarm bells, possible danger and harm has now activated the sensors. If the sensors don't go off, Yogi bear might have his next meal. Lack of fear in so many areas of life has led to unnecessary harm and destruction. Our survival depends on our judgements to identify threats to our well-being. Fear wants to save us from a danger as best it can, when the alarm goes off some people will hit the snooze button, not now! Christians have a fear of hell because God has told us it exist for the fallen angels and those who choose to disobey his command. He is the Commander and Chief and will run the Universe to his liking, all who protest their place and service in the divine plan will be court martial. Defection from the Kingdom of God is possible through free will, we have a group of guerrilla combatants trying to enlist us in their battle against the divine. Shoot against his marriage, torpedo his ideas of chastity and purity, sabotage and twist his commands, capture the weak with glitter and gifts, forward march! The battle was started long ago and will end with a final face-off, a decisive victory will ensue, no waiving of the white flag accepted as the commander in chief gives the final order, eliminate the threat. There will be a world that has no threats to its values, one will be in total chaos and the other will be in complete peace with no fears to save us, Hey! Its Yogi Bear! No Lunch worries anymore, the day of the Lord is here.********This blog will resume Dec. 9, 2013.
Saturday, November 30, 2013
St. John (Don) Bosco - born in Piedmont, Italy, 1815 ; died at Turin, Italy, 1888. - Sanctity is easy! He would say. He told his Salesians and the young people that God wants us to be happy and to rejoice in the love of Jesus. Just do your duty in school, at home, at work the best you can. Offer you life to God: the happy times and the sad or challenging things: life sends many opportunities to join in the sufferings of Jesus: bad weather, disappointments, physical illness, sorrow these will make you saints. **********Is there anyone who, on offending God, would persist in waging war against Him when He Himself makes the first move for peace? My beloved sons, let us accept His offer of peace. Our life will end. If we are at peace with God today, we shall also have the joy of hearing Our Lord greet us at that fateful hour with a consoling and everlasting Pax vobis [Peace be with you]. ************** As long as we are in this world, we’ll never be able to love God as He deserves. We only need to do our best. Only in Heaven can we love Him as we should. There we shall see Him as He really is; we shall know Him and enjoy His goodness, His glory, and His Love."**********When in danger or in need, have recourse to Mary. The Blessed Virgin has always helped me and will always do so!********The fullness of love in all the mothers of this earth could never equal the love Mary has for each one of us.*******Having been redeemed by Jesus Christ, we become Her children and the brothers of Her Divine Son. Thus, by becoming Mother of Jesus, true God and true man, She also becomes our Mother. Jesus Christ, in His great Mercy, wants to call us brothers, and by doing so makes us adopted children of Mary.*********There are plenty of ways to practice mortification! Just patiently endure cold, heat, sickness, troubles, people, happenings, and so forth.**********Not all of us can fast, or undertake arduous journeys in God’s service, or give generous alms, but we can all love. All it takes is the sincere desire to do so.************* When tempted, invoke your Angel. he is more eager to help you than you are to be helped! Ignore the devil and do not be afraid of him: He trembles and flees at the sight of your Guardian Angel.********** When I see the devil has stopped ensnaring souls, I too will cease looking for new ways to save them from his wily deceits.********* Do not imitate those who deceive themselves by saying: "I will sin and then go to confession." How do you know that you will have time to make your confession? Is it not madness to wound oneself, in the hope that a doctor will be found who will heal the wound?******** Visits to the Blessed Sacrament are powerful and indispensable means of overcoming attacks of the devil. Make frequent visits to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the devil will be powerless against you.***********St. John Bosco and the Gray Dog ; Excerpted from "All About the Angels" by Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, O.P, published by Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. Was it an angel or was it a dog? The life of Don Bosco furnishes us with a remarkable and interesting story of what appears to many an angelic intervention in saving the life of this servant of God from the fierce attacks of the Waldensian heretics, who made several attempts to assassinate him. These heretics were furious at the good done by Don Bosco and sought by violent means to rid themselves of his influence. Some of their adherents were men of the lowest and most vicious type, and these they hired to carry out their nefarious designs. When returning home one night through a bad and dangerous part of the town, he saw a magnificent dog of huge size following him. At first he was frightened but quickly came to see that the dog was friendly. The animal walked by his side and accompanied him to the door of his house and then went away. This happened five, six or eight times. He called the dog Grigio. What did it mean? He was soon to learn. Hastening home by himself, some time after the first appearance of the dog, two shots were fired at him by an assassin from behind a tree. Both shots missed their mark, but his assailant then rushed at and grappled with him. At that moment, Grigio appeared and sank his teeth into the flesh of the would-be murderer, who fled away shrieking with pain. On a second occasion, two men lay in wait for him and threw a sack over his head. This time it seemed all was over with him, but Grigio unexpectedly came to his rescue and jumped at one of the ruffians, seizing him by the throat. The other fled in terror. Don Bosco had then to liberate the first from the fangs of Grigio, who still held him by the throat. A third time, no less than twelve hired assassins, armed with clubs, lay in ambush, into which Don Bosco walked unawares. Again, escape seemed impossible, but once more Grigio bounded into the midst of the group, and his fierce look and savage growl proved enough. The men made off as quickly as they could. Sometimes the dog entered Don Bosco's house, but always with some reason, either to accompany him on a night journey or to prevent his leaving the house. No amount of animal instinct could explain these unexpected appearances of the dog. On one of these occasions, when Don Bosco tried to go out, the great dog lay across the door and growled in such a menacing way that St. John was forced to remain at home. And it was well that he did so, for shortly afterwards a gentleman arrived to warn him not to leave the house on any consideration, as the heretics lay in wait to kill him. As long as the persecution lasted, Grigio never failed to be at his post and when the danger passed he was seen no more. Whence he came or whither he went no one knew. Ten years later, Don Bosco had to go to the farmhouse of some friends and had been advised that the road was dangerous. "If only I had Grigio," he said. At once the great dog appeared by his side, as if he had heard the words, giving signs of the greatest joy. Both man and dog arrived safely at the farmhouse and went into the dining room, where the family invited Don Bosco to take part in the evening meal. The dog lay down. No one thought any more of him. When the repast was finished the master of the house proposed to feed the dog. But he was gone! Doors and windows had been closed; how did he go? In 1883, that was more than thirty years after the dog's first appearance, he appeared once more in a different locality to guide Don Bosco, who had lost his way. How [are we to] explain those wonderful appearances of the dog, at the most opportune moments and in different localities? Surely we may believe that this was angelic intervention. [Especially is this so because the great dog was never known to eat.]
Friday, November 29, 2013
The prayer of an Atheist ; I am one damn lucky being, for out of nothing I came forth. I will one day return to my nothiness but now I am something. My somethingness is a proven fact, my surroundings undeniable, amazing my origins, all damn luck. I marvel at our beginning, what touched what, look at the painting of Creation, its signed , Luck. Ah, my dear Luck I cannot know you for I am real and you are not, I can speak, think, talk, love, know and you, well , just a happenstance long ago, you are the lowest among your works with a bang and not a birth. You'll never know what I know, never experience what I do, never appreciate and admire your work. Someday I'll join you Luck for surely your the one who made my lucky day. ************ Luck, the roll of the dice, happenstance, a belief for some. Planning, intelligence, pre-existence a belief for others. Those who believe in Luck say to Jesus, hey crazy man your Father is named Luck, deranged one you didn't exist before time, dreamer you can save no one by your power, Son of Luck, only fools believe in you. Oh! some followers of Luck will say we would not say such things! We are civil and nice, Jesus is not a belief of Luck. Say it like you want, sweet or sour, the Lord Jesus will not be nice on the day some will call our unlucky day. ****There they go again, fire and brimstones! fear mongers to those who choose to believe our Luck versus their Lord. We just tell them its dust baby after this life, dumb luck was your Creator but don't worry you have nothing to fear, Luck became powerless over you, you're it! *****Luck, Lord, one underneath us, one above us, we live accordingly.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving Day, USA. We have alot to be thankful for, what country doesn't live in the USA, quite a mixture of people living in one society. My heritage came from Germany and Italy to settle here. Of course, we all came from one family, just went in different directions through the years. The Kingdom of God will have every country within its bosom, we will be a society of love and goodwill, all will be recognized as children of God. Thanksgiving to God is like breathing air, a must for a soul lest one ceases to recognize the Creator and wilts away from lack of inspiration and gratitude. Many an Angel were not satisfied and thankful for the gifts given by God, they came to want more,** instead of being thankful they became rebellious. Rebellion is an option to thankfulness, short lived but mix it with pride and you have the impossible, defeat of God, death of God. They would give it their best shot but would pay with their defeat and punishment. **No , the angels did not want wives and children. In genesis, the bible has a section about the "giants" and how the sons of God seeing the daughters of men, that they were fair, took to themselves wives of all which they chose and how they became the renown and mighty ones of the earth. A race of humans were described as almost godlike with their stature and renown. There is no hybrids of angels and humans, God would multiply the earth through Adam and Eve, not a rebellious angel that cannot be a husband. Had that been the case Lucifer would have taken all the women for himself especially when it comes to offspring, man would be out of the picture, his troops might get a few here and there to squash dissent. Lucifer would be bragging about this everywhere in the scripture. Lucifer cannot even create an offspring out of his angelic nature, he would if he could. Demons would not lower themselves to be called husband of a woman, they would be Master of a female slave. The demons hate all beauty and goodness that is reflected in the world, they would not admire the beauty of women as they do not admire the beauty of creation, all reminds them of the Creator they hate and want to destroy. They have no love for man, woman, or child, they do their best for complete destruction. The demons admired their own beauty and gifts of God, their rank and power must not be tampered with but must be appreciated and praised by newcomers, the ladder to greatness is to go higher not lower for such splendid beings. God disowns them, he shows us true greatness and love and for this we are most grateful.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Pope St. Gregory the Great - born at Rome about 540; died 12 March 604. - Perhaps it is not after all so difficult for a man to part with his possessions, but it is certainly most difficult for him to part with himself. To renounce what one has is a minor thing; but to renounce what one is, that is asking a lot" (St. Gregory, Homilies on the Gospels).************A spiritual guide should be silent when discretion requires and speak when words are of service. Otherwise he may say what he should not or be silent when he should speak. Indiscreet speech may lead men into error and an imprudent silence may leave in error those who could have been taught. Pastors who lack foresight hesitate to say openly what is right because they fear losing the favor of men. As the voice of truth tells us, such leaders are not zealous pastors who protect their flocks, rather they are like mercenaries who flee by taking refuge in silence when the wolf appears. The Lord reproaches them through the prophet: They are dumb dogs that cannot bark. On another occasion he complains: You did not advance against the foe or set up a wall in front of the house of Israel, so that you might stand fast in battle on the day of the Lord. To advance against the foe involves a bold resistance to the powers of this world in defense of the flock. To stand fast in battle on the day of the Lord means to oppose the wicked enemy out of love for what is right.*********Holy Job is a type of the Church. At one time he speaks for the body, at another for the head. As he speaks of its members he is suddenly caught up to speak in the name of their head. So it is here, where he says: I have suffered this without sin on my hands, for my prayer to God was pure. Christ suffered without sin on his hands, for he committed no sin and deceit was not found on his lips. Yet he suffered the pain of the cross for our redemption. His prayer to God was pure, his alone out of all mankind, for in the midst of his suffering he prayed for his persecutors: Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Is it possible to offer, or even to imagine, a purer kind of prayer than that which shows mercy to one’s torturers by making intercession for them? It was thanks to this kind of prayer that the frenzied persecutors who shed the blood of our Redeemer drank it afterward in faith and proclaimed him to be the Son of God. The text goes on fittingly to speak of Christ’s blood: Earth, do not cover over my blood, do not let my cry find a hiding place in you. When man sinned, God had said: Earth you are, and to earth you will return. Earth does not cover over the blood of our Redeemer, for every sinner, as he drinks the blood that is the price of his redemption, offers praise and thanksgiving, and to the best of his power makes that blood known to all around him. Earth has not hidden away his blood, for holy Church has preached in every corner of the world the mystery of its redemption. Notice what follows: Do not let my cry find a hiding place in you. The blood that is drunk, the blood of redemption, is itself the cry of our Redeemer. Paul speaks of the sprinkled blood that calls out more eloquently than Abel’s. Of Abel’s blood Scripture had written: The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to me from the earth. The blood of Jesus calls out more eloquently than Abel’s, for the blood of Abel asked for the death of Cain, the fratricide, while the blood of the Lord has asked for, and obtained, life for his persecutors. If the sacrament of the Lord’s passion is to work its effect in us, we must imitate what we receive and proclaim to mankind what we revere. The cry of the Lord finds a hiding place in us if our lips fail to speak of this, though our hearts believe in it. So that his cry may not lie concealed in us it remains for us all, each in his own measure, to make known to those around us the mystery of our new life in Christ.**********No sacrifice is more acceptable to God than zeal for souls. **********There are in truth three states of the converted: the beginning, the middle, and the perfection. In the beginning they experience the charms of sweetness; in the middle the contests of temptation; and in the end the fullness of perfection.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
I don't want to obey! That caught my attention as I was surfing through the TV channels and heard this response from a person on the street in a foreign country being asked by a religious TV show their opinion on the ten commandments. Well, the person was being honest, had he been in the garden after the fall he wouldn't of made excuses just said it like it was, turn me loose because I want to go my own way. He seems to know what he wants and restrictions to his free will is not going to happen to this flesh and blood specimen. Just think if Adam and Eve obeyed and defeated the serpent, this specimen would not be, he owes his freedom to the serpent and Adam and Eve for disobeying enabling him to live according to his own design. Then what, he lives his jolly life on earth and he's not invited back. Outside forever of the blessings of God but he's willing to trade time on earth for endless time on earth. Most likely, he believes the serpent that he's not sacrificing anything in this way of life but that would be a lie, he's sacrificing a relationship with God. Losing all the gifts of the Creator will be hard, even harder will be to realize you lost God, might not be a big deal now because of the handholding of the devil to think of other things but the end. Hey, what's God about, love and good, have the real deal or ones cheap imitation of love and good. Character building is not a given except when proven and tested. Hero's and people of virtue didn't have it given to them on a platter. Wealthy people have to worry their chidren will not turn into brats by giving everything their hearts desire, so too God who is quite wealthy doesn't spoil his children but helps us to become people of virtue and character.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Heil Hitler! The salute, the flag, the frenzy crowd, replace the face and the name with the countless figures through history that will exalt themselves to the heavens. They all rose but couldn't stay airborne and came crashing down to earth. Where art thou o'great ones of the earth, what?! no more, dust and worms, which of you rules the underworld ? Servants of the Master you say, alltogether, Heil Satan! Lovely, man ruled by a fallen angel that couldn't stay airborne and was cast down by compatriots. The flightless creatures are quite an association, their head told them fly pass the throne of God, haha they say as they see themselves rising higher and higher but always the same ending, loss of power and a crashing down to earth into the pit. They learn the greeting, the salute, to the dictator of the pit. They all suffer according to the judgements of God, the "God" of the pit perhaps has some moments but all can see there is a higher power limiting his outbursts and then its back to his hole. People generally don't like walking or staying in a place with demonic activity, they don't like the company, demons cannot show their true colors until in the pit otherwise no one would come and stay. They have to convince people the pit doesn't exist and they are not real. At times, God lets their presence be known in the world through their activity in people or places, both of which can be set free by the authority of Christ. Have you heard of another name being used to cast out the devil with success. I'm sure they rather remain hidden but sometimes the veil is pulled back for all to see and believe they exist and we should take heed of this force in the world and against our good. They are not for us, God is for us and he is good, let us not challenge what is good and what is evil in the eyes of God. Once we go against the good of God we commit sin. Once we commit sin we become like "gods" who know what is good and what is evil except we just damage something God called good and we will see the consequences of our "good" and it does have consequences otherwise it would not be sin. Sin, damaging God's good, lets not. He will not overlook the damage done and will hold us responsible. We can still be in fellowship through the forgiveness of sins and uniting our will and suffering to his plan of salvation. If more time is needed for our transformation into children of God we have a place of purification that gets us ready to see God face to face, our soul will be at its finest without a trace of dirt. Now , the pit on the other hand is all dirt, nothing clean remains, everthing is cover in dirt, the soul, the body, not one trace of cleanliness left. We have been washed in baptism, we have been cleaned up in confession, we might need a final cleansing before seeing God and maybe not, most importantly we want to be with God. People can try to explain away the demonic, explain away the miracles of God, but the veil does get pulled back from time to time. We might not experienced such things but we know many a saint had encounters with the devil and encounters with the miraculous just as Jesus said they would. I had an uncle healed through the annointing of the sick, one minute he can barely walk and in a wheelchair and not long after he's walking and riding a bike. He died within a few years but he was grateful for the gift recieved. Another relative didn't recieve a healing of body but presevered to the end and I am pretty darn sure went straight to heaven without a stopover.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
St. Caesarius of Arles - born in Chalons, Burgundy, France, 470 ; died 543 at Saint John’s convent, Arles, Gaul (modern France) - A person may say, I am not much concerned how long I remain in Purgatory, provided I may come to eternal life. Let no one reason thus. Purgatory fire will more dreadful than whatever torment can be seen, imagined or endured in this world. ********** I beseech you, beloved brethren, be eager to engage in divine reading whatever hours you can. Moreover, since what a man procures in this life by reading or good works will be food of his soul forever, let no one try to excuse himself by saying he has not learned letters at all. If those who are illiterate love God in truth, they look for learned people who can read the sacred Scriptures to them."*********Therefore consider at once, brethren, and carefully notice that the man who frequently reads or listens to sacred Scripture speaks with God. See, then, whether the Devil can overtake him when he perceives him in constant conversation with God. However, if a man neglects to do this, with what boldness or with what feelings does he believe God will grant him an eternal reward, when he refuses to speak with Him in this world through the divine text?"******For this reason I beseech you with fatherly solicitude, equally admonishing and exhorting you, as was already said, to endeavor continually to read the sacred lessons yourselves or willingly to listen to others read them. By thus always thinking over in the treasury of your heart what is just and holy, you may prepare for your souls an eternal spiritual food that will bring you endless bliss.*********Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. ‘Mercy’ is a beautiful word: more beautiful still is the thing itself. All men wish to receive it, but the worst thing is that not all of them behave in a way that deserves it. Although everyone wishes to be shown mercy only a few wish to show it. O man, how can you have the effrontery to ask for what you refuse to give to others? You must show mercy in this world if you want to receive mercy in heaven. So, my dearest brethren, since we all desire mercy, let us make ourselves mercy’s slaves in this world so that she can give us our freedom in the world to come. For there is mercy in heaven and we come to it through earthly mercies. As Scripture says: Lord, your mercy is in heaven. So there is earthly and heavenly mercy: that is, human and divine. What is human mercy? Exactly this: to have care for the sufferings of the poor. What is divine mercy? Without doubt, to grant forgiveness of sins. Whatever human mercy gives away on the journey, divine mercy pays back when we arrive at last in our native land. For it is God who feels cold and hunger, in the person of the poor. As he himself has said: As much as you have done for the least of these, you have done it for me. What God deigns to give on heaven, he yearns to receive on earth. What sort of people are we if we want to receive, when God offers, but when God asks, we refuse to give? For when a poor man hungers, it is Christ who suffers want, as he himself has said: I was hungry and you gave me no food. Do not despise the misery of the poor if you want a sure hope of forgiveness for your sins. Christ is hungry now, brethren, in all the poor. He consents to suffer hunger and thirst – and whatever he receives on earth he will give back in heaven. I ask you, brethren: when you come to church, what do you want? what are you looking for? Is it anything other than mercy? Then give earthly mercy and you will receive the heavenly kind. The poor man asks of you, and you ask of God: the poor man for food, you for eternal life. Give to the beggar what you want to deserve from Christ. Hear Christ saying Give and it will be given to you. I do not know how you can have the effrontery to want to receive what you do not want to give. And so, when you come to church, give, whatever you can afford as alms for the poor.*****
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Preaching, teaching, mama's, papa's, newspapers, books, music, radio, tune in, tune out, channel X, channel Y, voices, voices, voices; messages, messages, messages; "You shall die!" "You shall not die" Sound the sirens, incoming from hell, return fire, the battle for souls will use all voices. Not all bombs are equal, some causing more damaged to the enemy than others, every voice joins the chorus of "Thou shall" "Thou shall not" sometimes changing uniforms according to personal gain. A soldier for Christ on one topic, a defector on another issue, playing both sides with those who are entrenced and dug in with their cause and mission. The voice for Christ seems dimmer compared to the voice of the world, disobedience in the name of free will to the plan of God seems highly successful with major cities and towns flying the flag of the dragon. The troops of the dragon seem endless compared to the legions of Christ. The dragon versus the lamb, one would be sacrificed and eaten, a union with the divine, a division of forces that would be other Christs in the world and the battle for souls.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Johnny boy don't play with the devil, Son. Daddy didn't listen, aunt sue didn't care, Johnny boy don't leave your mama too. The door bells ringing, answer it son, remember mama's warning, don't play with the devil, Son. Missy comes calling, sugar and spice, Johnny boy are you coming, tonights the night. Missy, Mama, Missy, Mama.........Missy. The devil's a smiling, Johnny boy's coming, mama's a praying, not my Johnny too. The Church bells are ringing , the sirens are blazing, the dogs are barking, Johnny boy, you going to leave your mama too. The devil pulls out the game of fools, Johnny boy make the next move. The dice are waiting, mama could be right, daddy and aunt sue played with the devil and lost in the game of life. Missy, Mama, Missy, Mama........Mama. Mama is a smiling, Johnny boy is going to be alright, the devil comes calling Johnny boy will not roll the dice. Stay close to Jesus son, the devil is pretty but plays an awful game. The players line up, one by one, I'll roll the dice Johnny, you'll see mama was wrong, the fools keep moving across the board, the end is in sight, one more roll and the game is over, Johnny boy I finished, mama was right, don't play with the devil son, my life has just begun, dungeon and dragons, the new game in town.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Saint Anthony of Padua - Born in Lisbon, Portugal, 1195 ; died on the outskirts of the City of Padua on June 13, 1231. - The man who is filled with the Holy Spirit speaks in different languages. These different languages are different ways of witnessing to Christ, such as humility, poverty, patience and obedience; we speak in those languages when we reveal in ourselves these virtues to others. Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak. We are full of words but empty of actions, and therefore are cursed by the Lord, since he himself cursed the fig tree when he found no fruit but only leaves. Gregory says: "A law is laid upon the preacher to practice what he preaches". It is useless for a man to flaunt his knowledge of the law if he undermines its teaching by his actions. But the apostles spoke as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech. Happy the man whose words issue from the Holy Spirit and not from himself! For some men speak as their own character dictates, but steal the words of others and present them as their own and claim the credit for them. The Lord refers to such men and others like them in Jeremiah: So, then, I have a quarrel with the prophets that steal my words from each other. I have a quarrel with the prophets, says the Lord, who have only to move their tongues to utter oracles. I have a quarrel with the prophets who make prophecies out of lying dreams, who recount them and lead my people astray with their lies and their pretensions. I certainly never sent them or commissioned them, and they serve no good purpose for this people, says the Lord. We should speak, then, as the Holy Spirit gives us the gift of speech. Our humble and sincere request to the Spirit for ourselves should be that we may bring the day of Pentecost to fulfilment, insofar as he infuses us with his grace, by using our bodily senses in a perfect manner and by keeping the commandments. Likewise we shall request that we may be filled with a keen sense of sorrow and with fiery tongues for confessing the faith, so that our deserved reward may be to stand in the blazing splendour of the saints and to look upon the triune God.
Monday, November 18, 2013
The world of Babel, I don't understand you! I'm a catholic, outside of the Catholic tribe are other tribes of faith and beliefs. We try at times to communicate, sometimes shaking our heads thinking how can one believe that. The same look of astonishment comes our way from the other tribes and we look at each other intensely. We all pull out our book and say See! Some have a book of science as their gospel, some have a book of humanity 101 as the great teacher, some have a book from a prophet of God as the inspired one and some have a book that starts with "In the beginning....". Our book that guides our hearts and minds is held dearly in our arms, we live and die by its words. "The word was made flesh" The Christian book has the word of God step out of the pages and become one of us except for sin. God's word would show the will of the Creator as it exists eternally in a communion of love between the Father and Son. The will, the word, the love between them bring forth the created. The created would rejoice and celebrate its closeness to the divine. The divine would so cherish this relationship that the created and divine would merge eternally in the Son of Man. We have a special relationship with God, we are not God but we are forever linked with him. Our book has a marriage between God and his people as a sign of the love and commitment of hearts. The Bridegroom loves the Bride and would give his life for her, the trials and tribulations ends with "and they lived happily ever after". God and his creation that loves him share a life together with all its ups and downs, they travel the road of time into eternity, side by side.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
St. Katharine Drexel - Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 1858 ; died at Cornwell Heights, Pennsylvania in 1955. - The patient and humble endurance of the cross whatever nature it may be is the highest work we have to do. *********** “Ah, Lord, it is but too true, YOU ARE NOT LOVED! Shall we not strive by every means in our power to make you known and loved? Shall we not try to pay many an extra visit to our dearest Friend, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, ever living to make intercession for us? And may this prayer, dearest Lord, be on our lips when we bow down in lowly adoration in your sacramental presence: ‘Sacred Heart of Jesus, you love! O Sacred Heart of Jesus, you are not loved! O would that you were loved!’ Our Lady, open your heart to me, your child. Teach me to know your Son intimately, to love him ardently, and to follow him closely.”
Friday, November 15, 2013
The Thief of Love, how many victims would you take away from true love, from the idea in the mind and heart of God. One man, one woman would be a special team and they would be rooted in their Creator. Man would know woman, woman would know man, man and woman would know God. This knowledge has no room for another man, another woman, another God. Those who keep the relationship intake are a gift and blessing to each other with the stability and source of Love. God will inspire true love, true union, true commitment and courage, Adam and Eve broke away and immediately experienced anxiety, fear and shame. They realized the hard way, the Thief in the garden had come to take away their gifts and treasures. Life would be harder but the idea could survive because God will be present unless convinced to bolt and be smooth- talked to find what is good and what is evil on ones own. How many couples are just busting with love and joy in an unbreakable union. How many have been taken in by the Thief to give him their trust in the matters of love. They could've had it all by being in union with Love. The Thief will slowly destroy the idea of God if it even exists in his followers for the glamours of self indulgence and pleasure. His couples in the world cannot compare to the couples of God. A couple can be enriched or robbed, Adam and Eve experienced both, loved one, regretted the other.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The light bulb goes off, darkness follows, the light bulb goes on, sight follows. There are times we want to see and times we don't want to see. Sight and light are great blessings in everyday life, it helps us to execute our daily plans. Natural living is dependent on outside sources, is dependent on my resources. Supernatural living is dependent on being connected to Almighty God. He created the body and soul, his image is imprinted in my being, his light is in my conscience until I turn off the switch by ignoring the discomfort and unease of an action or thought. Its a switch that must constantly be turned off so the light will not condemn the darkness of error and wrong deeds. The conscience is a light bulb of God and he has it on, we can turn it off again and again maybe even think its out for good but it flickers even in the worsed of conditions. Deeds of wrong doing might become effortless and natural so the conscience is render ineffective for the cause of right living with God. To live a supernatural life we must unite ourselves to the will and wisdom of the Creator, we are born again as a new creation in Christ, off with the old man, on with the new man, the ultimate union with God. Christ gives us a new life, a new me, the natural versus the supernatural is like a penny to a gold coin, my being is richly endowed with the gifts of God.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
St.Boniface -Born in Crediton, Devonshire, England, 680; died at Dokkum, Friesland, in 755. - Let us stand fast in what is right and prepare our souls for trial. . . . Let us be neither dogs that do not bark nor silent onlookers nor paid servants who run away before the wolf. *********** In her voyage across the ocean of this world, the Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life's different stresses. Our duty is not to abandons ship but to keep her on her course. ******** Let us stand fast in what is right, and prepare our souls for trial. Let us wait upon God's strengthening aid and say to him: "O Lord, you have been our refuge in all generations." *********** Let us trust in him who has placed this burden upon us. What we ourselves cannot bear let us bear with the help of Christ. For he is all-powerful, and he tells us: "My yoke is easy, and my burden light." *********** Let us continue the fight on the day of the Lord. The days of anguish and of tribulation have overtaken us; if God so wills, "let us die for the holy laws of our fathers," so that we may deserve to obtain an eternal inheritance with them.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The bible, the word of God, the history of a relationship. At times the relationship hangs by a thread with only a few to save from total destruction. Evil spreads with the worship and sacrifice to false Gods, God lays down his laws to keep the truth alive and untainted by the surrounding influence of the tribes of darkness and superstitution. The true God will be known through Israel if his statues are lived and obeyed. If not, he will deliver them up to their lusts and enemies. They travel the road at times as free men and women, at other times as slaves and captives. Life with God, life without God, a nation will be blessed or eventually left to self destruct. God remembers his relationship with the patriarchs and prophets who fellowshipped with him and would preserve a remnant from their midst. Out of this relationship will come God's greatest gift, his own Son, many would come to accept him, many would not, but the remnant would continue, forming from its midst the new priesthood and the new laws to govern for the rest of the journey in time. The Son of God directs the course, puts shepherds in charge to aid the faithful, to walk with lamps, to fend off dangers, to show the nations the one true God. Like Israel of old the new Israel of all peoples and lands can glorify the Lord or diminish his presence and power through the worship of false Gods and deception. The old and new Israel bear a great responsibility to be the light and truth of the Creator. We are a chosen people, a people set aside, a people that God has made his dwelling with us.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Natural disasters, nature untame can strike at anytime. We live with the possibility of sudden and predicted disturburances. The warning signals of an occurence can save lives. The time to prepare is a blessing, sometimes nature still overcomes the inhabitants but one must try to do everything possible to survive. We are all thankful for any help in surviving in this world, death can come in many forms from nature to disease, from accidents to old age, from murder to self destruction. We all die, our power cannot stop death from permanently taking us to a place decreed by God. God created Adam and Eve to live forever with him in paradise but free will can oppose that plan for self rule and separation. Christians have a hard time understanding why anyone would stake everything on the here and now. Christians know and believe the warnings and the predictions of Christ to be ready and prepare to enter the heavenly banquet with him. Living for eternity comes as no surprise to the believer, death separates, not annihilates my being. My flesh is separated from my soul, left behind until the great renewal, my soul, my essence, my reality of living goes on and I continue to know my Creator or I continue to reject my Creator. Our life is mingled with death in paradise lost but temporary, we wait for the promise of God to restore his creation. Death will be banished, disobedience never heard from again, justice will be served. Our God is a God of hope, of truth, of love, of power, he has made himself known from the beginning and his word does his will, we know his word, he has not remain silent, we can heed or not, eternal life is no surprise for those who believe their Creator.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Saint Justin Martyr- Born in Flavia Neapolis, Samaria, c. 100; died 165 - When asked to sacrifice to idols, Justin replied, "No right-minded man forsakes truth for falsehood." He was sentenced to be scourged and beheaded. Six other Christians, including a woman, died with him. **********As by the Word of God, Jesus our Savior was made Flesh and had both Flesh and Blood for our salvation, so also the food which has been blessed by the word of prayer instituted by Him is both the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Incarnate.
Friday, November 8, 2013
Threats and Warnings, intolerable for the stubborn mind and heart. Keep your shouts of fire! to yourself, your shouts of beliefs behind closed doors for freedom of will plays where it wants to and answers to no one. The storm is coming, the flood predicted, eat, drink and be merry they said until washed away. Many were lost, few were saved, eat, drink and be merry was a costly exchange. The cycle repeats itself again and again, the wayward children choosing to ignore the warnings in favor of a moment in time. *********A moment in time, you've captured many a heart, many a mind, they would trade their life for you, they would gamble you had it all. You enticed them to believe now and only now matters, eat, drink and be merry would be a costly exchange but not now. ********When the now passes them by, the reality of life and its consequences sweeps over them and they cry out to be saved but the door has been shut, they waited to long, self preservation resorts to pleading but free will has molded and cast the final image, time is gone for free will to undo or make changes. Death bed conversions are possible but risky to wait to the end to be saved. Right living with the Lord is to experience life with the mindset of God who truly knows what makes a blessed and happy heart.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
The King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, your creation proclaims your presence. Teacher, Master, Savior, Deliverer, Judge, your children proclaim your presence. Ruler of life and death, your subjects acknowledge your power. All come before you, none deny you, you will acknowledge your friends and disown your enemies. You will separate God's Kingdom from the Godless Kingdom. The Glory of God shall flood the earth, the world's inhabitants shall be as one. Lawlessness will be stun at the justice of God, his eyes beheld all the evils and now he will act in the great separation. The will of evil, of disobedience, of pride will share the punishmnent for the damage done, his mercy called day after day to repent, bent on self indulgence and self rule they hear the truth from the Lord, I never knew you. Those who know the Lord are servants he has entrusted a mission with and to always be ready and waiting for the Masters return. We prepare for many occasions in life, the Lord has sent out his invitations to come and join him in the Father's House, to be a part of his Kingdom, to rule and reign with him in complete love and service. Blessed are they who respond and are counted among the children of God. The wicked grind their teeth for self will, self rule, opposes the yoke of God and would rather claim their greatness of independence and mock all who would serve rather then to be serve. I will not serve! Their hatred of God's power will be the fuel that sets them ablaze with frenzy thoughts and words, they curse the family of God, they continue in opposition and go insane that their power has been taken away. They didn't care for God on earth and they certainly will not care for him under the earth. We see the spirits in our midst, those who care for God and those who do not, those who would serve him, those who would not, those who would be of humble heart, and those who would trump their pride and power. The divide say to each other "I don't want to be like you". We will be like God or we will not be like God, we will dwell with God or we will not dwell with God, we are two groups who will part and that really pisses off the group that can't keep living according to their will with the fringe benefits of the Creator.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Saint Philip Neri (1515 -1595) Florence,Italy - On one occasion, when a woman confessed to him her love of gossip and spreading slander and scandal and asked him how she could cure herself of the habit, he replied: "Go to the nearest market-place, buy a chicken just killed, and pluck its feathers all the way as you come back to me." Greatly astonished, she did what he asked, and returned to him with the plucked chicken. "Now go back," he said, "and bring me all the feathers you have scattered." "But I cannot," she replied, "that is impossible. I cast the feathers carelessly and the wind carried them away. How can I recover them?" He answered: "You cannot. And that is exactly like your words of scandal. They have been carried about in every direction. You cannot recall them. Go and slander no more." ********* A joyful heart is more easily made perfect than one that is cast down.************ Cheerfulness strengthens the heart and makes us persevere in a good life. Therefore the servant of God ought always to be in good spirits.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
(cont') When we look back at our life we realize we don't know ourselves as God knows us. Can we remember day one, year one, but God knows day one, year one. Do we have full knowledge about everything in regards to our bodies, I couldn't tell you how many cells I have, how many veins, how everything is tinkering inside but God knows. Conclusion: there is much I don't know about myself, about the world outside me and about my Creator but being capable of learning I am able to digest and sort out information enhancing my knowledge. We are students who will forever learn if in the presence of God. We learn in this world because God has been here, logic, order, reason makes for learning, chaos makes for insanity. Being students its hard to understand one who knows everything, we can't relate knowing without learning, no college, no higher studies, no hands on experience, no teachers, the Creator has no Creator no influence on his life, his existence, we do. We are a part of his creation, he is a part of no ones creation. We can't apply our circumstances, our limitations to how the Creator must also learn and operate as if he is created in our image and has our characteristics and abilities to come to truths. God knows me, knows creation, knows himself, I'm learning the truths of life with many aids and am thankful for the one who needs no aid, the one who knows exactly how everything tinkers, knows the times and the seasons, knows the day he stops his clock of time and cleans house. He said it, he will do it, we can bank on that unless one convinces themselve that their living in a story that ends with the loss of all, unfornuately there is that ending, for some. God knows the best ending, the best beginning, the best living, I am a student of his wisdom and knowledge, his Godhood directs my life, I am in good hands, I know I don't know but take great comfort in knowing there is one who does and he is beyond all that can be known, I will forever be a grateful student, I pray. Amen.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Happy Birthday! Your life had a beginning and you celebrate your entry into the world. Your biological clock is turning and you join the flow of life and time, morning, noon and night. Creation tells you when to wake and tells you when to sleep, you follow an order that nature has set. ( Of course, we have those exceptions who work when others sleep and so forth but not the world's norm). Creation has a clock that we adhere to with the sun and the moon, with the seasons, a very reliable clock that has been put into place and has a precedence in our lives. Only the fool says I will reject this clock and created my own time, my own life, survival depends on knowing the time and the seasons. Time helps us organize our life, who doesn't check their watch or cell phone to see what time it is. We live in time and are dependent on it, we count on its stability for our existence and we live. Our clock of life stops and we return to the ground, nature returns to nature, but we have an element that is not govern by time but eternity and it too is stable and reliable less our souls be destroyed and we forever cease to be. The Creator is unlike the creatures with needs, self existence is hard for dependent creatures to understand. I need food, water, air, heartbeat, etc. to live so what makes God tick? If one were to do a biopsy on God what would he find? He would find no starting place, the finite opening up the infinite would not be up for the job. So not being able to open up the subject to see what's inside , he must rely on limited senses and divine revelations to begin to understand and know the one who has no beginning, no end, the one who is beyond and above yet calls me by name. I can know my Creator, I can know his heart, I can know his mind, I can know his spirit, I can know his love, I can know his power, I can know his Godhead. I cannot know him as he knows himself but thats not a problem for what I know is enough and beyond all aspirations for the human heart and mind. (to be continue)
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Saints come marching in........the drum rolls......the roll call......sea of white gowns.......the tributes.......the proud guardians.......the achievements........the dedication.......the A's, the B's, the C's.......the ups, the downs........the work, the play.........the goal, this day...........the joy, the smiles........the celebration, the feast..........the sighs, the relief.........I graduated, thank God........the teachers, the guides.......the books, the prayers......the sacrifice, the tests........the wisdom, the knowledge........the enrolling, the perseverance........the acceptance, the chance.........the help, the aid........the headmaster embraces me........the journey continues for the class of life into everlasting life, Amen.
Friday, November 1, 2013
St. Bede the Venerable- Born in Northumbria, England, 673; died at Jarrow, England, on May 25, 735 - He alone loves the Creator perfectly who manifests a pure love for his neighbor. ************** When a man devotes all his thoughts to the praise and service of the Lord, he proclaims God’s greatness. His observance of God’s commands, moreover, shows that he has God’s power and greatness always at heart. His spirit rejoices in God his saviour and delights in the mere recollection of his creator who gives him hope for eternal salvation.***************** And I pray Thee, loving Jesus, that as Thou hast graciously given me to drink in with delight the words of Thy knowledge, so Thou wouldst mercifully grant me to attain one day to Thee, the fountain of all wisdom, and to appear forever before Thy face."************** Mary looks back to the beginning of her song, where she said: My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. Only that soul for whom the Lord in his love does great things can proclaim his greatness with fitting praise and encourage those who share her desire and purpose, saying: Join with me in proclaiming the greatness of the Lord; let us extol his name together. Those who know the Lord, yet refuse to proclaim his greatness and sanctify his name to the limit of their power, will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven. His name is called holy because in the sublimity of his unique power he surpasses every creature and is far removed from all that he has made. ********************* Those who refuse to be humble cannot be saved. They cannot say with the prophet: See, God comes to my aid; the Lord is the helper of my soul. But anyone who makes himself humble like a little child is greater in the kingdom of heaven. **************** Those who were freed by Moses from slavery in Egypt sang a song of triumph to the Lord after they had crossed the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s army had been overwhelmed; in the same way, now that our sins have been washed away in baptism, we too should express fitting gratitude for the gifts of heaven. The Egyptians who oppressed the people of God, and who can also stand for darkness or trials, are an apt symbol of the sins that once oppressed us but have now been destroyed in baptism.******************* The deliverance of the children of Israel and their journey to the long-promised land correspond with the mystery of our redemption. we are making our way toward the light of our heavenly home with the grace of Christ leading us and showing us the way. The light of his grace was also symbolised by the cloud and the pillar of fire, which protected the Israelites from darkness throughout their journey, and brought them by a wonderful path to their promised homeland.*************
Thursday, October 31, 2013
An interview with God, its late in the day and I stop over at the office, working late again. What would you like to say to your followers and non-followers? God "Be ready" Would you like to be more specific with a timeline? God "read my book". Would we happen to be at the end of the book? God "haven't you read the book" Its a little hard to understand. God "I'm coming". That's going to be an awesome day. God "for some". The book will finally be finished. God "Amen". We know the book, beginning, middle and end. God "live the book". Is there anything else you would like to say O'God? Its late.*************** How we wish for the day of the Lord, looking for his coming and trying to hasten it. How we would wish to hear 2014 congratulations! the Lord has made his appointment with you. We know the Lord has his day, can he blame us for wanting it as soon as possible. Waiting is not easy, we hope all will want to see the day of the Lord for it will be the end of an era and the beginning of a new book, the book of life with God, face to face for eternity. This book is the one Adam and Eve ditched for our own book of life which includes good and evil. The characters who live in our book are a mixed bunch according to their preference. Those who do not like evil really are not going to object having evil written out of the story line.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
SAINT LYDWINA of SCHIEDAM Virgin (1380-1433) - St Lidwina saw in Purgatory a soul that suffered also for mortal sins not sufficiently expiated on earth. The incident is thus related in the Life of the saint. A man who had been for a long time a slave of the demon of impurity, finally had the happiness of being converted. He confessed his sins with great contrition, but, prevented by death, he had not time to atone by just penance for his numerous sins. Lidwina, who knew him well, prayed much for him. Twelve years after his death she continued to pray, when, in one of her ecstasies, being taken into Purgatory by her angel-guardian, she heard a mournful voice issuing from a deep pit. "It is the soul of that man" said the angel, "for whom you have prayed with much fervour and constancy." She was astonished to see him so deep in Purgatory twelve years after his death. The angel, seeing her so greatly affected, asked if she was willing to suffer something for his deliverance. "With all my heart," replied the charitable maiden. From that moment she suffered new pains and frightful torments, which appeared to surpass the strength of human endurance. Nevertheless, she bore them with courage, sustained by a charity stronger than death, until it pleased God to send her relief. She then breathed as one restored to a new life, and, at the same time, she saw that soul for which she had suffered so much come forth from the abyss as white as snow and take its flight to Heaven. Taken from: Purgatory Explained(pp 89-90) Authored by: Father F.X. Shouppe, S.J.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The first sacrifice for mankind was an animal in the garden to provide clothing for him. Adam and Eve would see death as a result of their new condition of survival, the animals would be sacrifice as food, as clothing, their life would be intertwined with death, nothing would be able to escape the death sentence. Most heart piercing would be the violent, senseless death, mankind killing each other. Death as a consequence of sin would put an end to the natural elements but would be unable to penetrate the supernatural elements of being created in the image and likeness of God. Mankind would live without the natural until restored by God in the new Eden he will proclaim over this earth. The animals we have hope God will restore for their uniqueness and personalities in his ability to bring forth life out of stones should he choose to, nothing would be impossible for him. Death and sin will be hurled into the abyss, a far greater warning and punishment for those who would choose to continue with the serpent in disobedience. We all experience the first death, we will not all experience the second death, complete detachment from God, from life, from love, from good, from creation. God has clothed us in our nakeness and it was a sacrifice, God has restored us in his Son and it was a sacrifice, we caused the sacrifice, the least we should do is add our sacrifice to that of God's. We learn from God and we live with God, a way of life now and forever.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Fido, No! A pet owner who loves his/her dog will not be afraid of raising ones voice to stop an unwanted behavior or result. Fido might think that mushroom will be delicious but you say No! Fido might think that snake is fair game but you say No! When Fido stops because of your No! you are relieved because harm was avoided. Fido doesn't hold your No! against you, doesn't love you anyless because you're in charge, your knowledge and wisdom is a blessing for Fido. Move up the ladder in saying No! to your own flesh and blood and more feelings and emotions and challenges result from "Fido". You are fulfilling your role as guardian, Fido's free will decides to listen or not listen, sometimes with penalties of freedom. You are still the higher power with food, water and shelter and do put your foot down when necessary. In your home, you will always be on top of the pecking order. Move up the ladder, to the Creator of the Universe and all the Fido's below him, does he too say No! Happy is he when he sees Fido stop and listen to his voice. The Master of all loves Fido but will not be replaced by him.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Friday, October 25, 2013
The final score, the final battle, the final tally, the winners, the losers,the celebration, the desolation, the crowning, the dethroning, the kingdom of God, the place of separation, the joy, the misery, the glory, the shame, the humble, the proud, the thankful, the ungrateful, the believers, the unbelievers, the union, the discord, the love, the hate, the neighbor, the self, God's will, my will, the reward, the punishment, the inheritance, the abdication, the free, the confined, the angels, the demons, Almighty God, Almighty Wannabe. Two different teams, two different captains, two different outcomes, each captain proclaims a victorious outcome, one warns of the disastrous defeat of the opponent, the other proclaims a win by default for no such opponent exists. Those who are counting on a win by default will react just like scriptures says when confronted with the opposition and realize beyond doubt, there's going to be a winner and there's going to be a loser, damn!
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