Friday, December 13, 2013
The woman and the beast, round one the beast. Mary says yes to the plan of God, round two the woman. The woman would rise above the rank of angels and be seated next to the throne of her son. The King would crown his mother Queen of his creation. All celebrate the woman and the wisdom of God, the highest creation has far exceeded the high angel turn rebel and cannot excel or compete with the power and rank given to the Mother of God. Those who serve the beast, serve one who is under the woman, God is head of the woman, head of creation, head of the church, he is Master and Lord. Rank of creatures has been reorder to reflect true greatness in the eyes of God. The beast has gone lower, the woman has gone higher, rejoice Eve at the image seated next to the throne of God. Free will of creatures can descend or ascend to their final dwelling place, the weight of a harden heart and bloated pride are like the snake who crawls on the ground while the heart and mind that God dwells in is like the birds who can rise above themselves, enjoying many different heights and advantage points. The beast can strike at the woman's heel while the woman can strike at the beast head, the final round a deadly bite or a severed head, Mary and the Church says to its members, victory is ours but as a consolation the beast will strike again and again until the fateful day bringing as much death as possible to the children of God. Like the serpents in the desert striking the Israelites who complained against God and Moses, finding no relief until admitting their sin and God giving the remedy; look upon the image of a snake mounted on a pole. Looking at the image of the snake was going to bring relief to the snake-bitten. How about souls who have been bitten by the beast, injecting his venom of death. Surely, if one admits their fault and looks upon the one who can heal their wounds, they too shall live. Moses interceded for the people who came and confessed their guilt to him so too God has provided many ministers to intercede for the people and give the remedy for healing. A snake bite can be deadly but a beast bite doesn't have to be, we have a 1OO% cure. The woman and the beast, one lives, one wishes not to live, life is the winner.