Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The bible, the word of God, the history of a relationship. At times the relationship hangs by a thread with only a few to save from total destruction. Evil spreads with the worship and sacrifice to false Gods, God lays down his laws to keep the truth alive and untainted by the surrounding influence of the tribes of darkness and superstitution. The true God will be known through Israel if his statues are lived and obeyed. If not, he will deliver them up to their lusts and enemies. They travel the road at times as free men and women, at other times as slaves and captives. Life with God, life without God, a nation will be blessed or eventually left to self destruct. God remembers his relationship with the patriarchs and prophets who fellowshipped with him and would preserve a remnant from their midst. Out of this relationship will come God's greatest gift, his own Son, many would come to accept him, many would not, but the remnant would continue, forming from its midst the new priesthood and the new laws to govern for the rest of the journey in time. The Son of God directs the course, puts shepherds in charge to aid the faithful, to walk with lamps, to fend off dangers, to show the nations the one true God. Like Israel of old the new Israel of all peoples and lands can glorify the Lord or diminish his presence and power through the worship of false Gods and deception. The old and new Israel bear a great responsibility to be the light and truth of the Creator. We are a chosen people, a people set aside, a people that God has made his dwelling with us.