Monday, November 25, 2013
Heil Hitler! The salute, the flag, the frenzy crowd, replace the face and the name with the countless figures through history that will exalt themselves to the heavens. They all rose but couldn't stay airborne and came crashing down to earth. Where art thou o'great ones of the earth, what?! no more, dust and worms, which of you rules the underworld ? Servants of the Master you say, alltogether, Heil Satan! Lovely, man ruled by a fallen angel that couldn't stay airborne and was cast down by compatriots. The flightless creatures are quite an association, their head told them fly pass the throne of God, haha they say as they see themselves rising higher and higher but always the same ending, loss of power and a crashing down to earth into the pit. They learn the greeting, the salute, to the dictator of the pit. They all suffer according to the judgements of God, the "God" of the pit perhaps has some moments but all can see there is a higher power limiting his outbursts and then its back to his hole. People generally don't like walking or staying in a place with demonic activity, they don't like the company, demons cannot show their true colors until in the pit otherwise no one would come and stay. They have to convince people the pit doesn't exist and they are not real. At times, God lets their presence be known in the world through their activity in people or places, both of which can be set free by the authority of Christ. Have you heard of another name being used to cast out the devil with success. I'm sure they rather remain hidden but sometimes the veil is pulled back for all to see and believe they exist and we should take heed of this force in the world and against our good. They are not for us, God is for us and he is good, let us not challenge what is good and what is evil in the eyes of God. Once we go against the good of God we commit sin. Once we commit sin we become like "gods" who know what is good and what is evil except we just damage something God called good and we will see the consequences of our "good" and it does have consequences otherwise it would not be sin. Sin, damaging God's good, lets not. He will not overlook the damage done and will hold us responsible. We can still be in fellowship through the forgiveness of sins and uniting our will and suffering to his plan of salvation. If more time is needed for our transformation into children of God we have a place of purification that gets us ready to see God face to face, our soul will be at its finest without a trace of dirt. Now , the pit on the other hand is all dirt, nothing clean remains, everthing is cover in dirt, the soul, the body, not one trace of cleanliness left. We have been washed in baptism, we have been cleaned up in confession, we might need a final cleansing before seeing God and maybe not, most importantly we want to be with God. People can try to explain away the demonic, explain away the miracles of God, but the veil does get pulled back from time to time. We might not experienced such things but we know many a saint had encounters with the devil and encounters with the miraculous just as Jesus said they would. I had an uncle healed through the annointing of the sick, one minute he can barely walk and in a wheelchair and not long after he's walking and riding a bike. He died within a few years but he was grateful for the gift recieved. Another relative didn't recieve a healing of body but presevered to the end and I am pretty darn sure went straight to heaven without a stopover.