Monday, December 2, 2013
Hey ! Yogi Bear! Fear of a wild animal is normal and prudent. To see a wild animal and not have a fear could be deadly. Fear sounds the alarm bells, possible danger and harm has now activated the sensors. If the sensors don't go off, Yogi bear might have his next meal. Lack of fear in so many areas of life has led to unnecessary harm and destruction. Our survival depends on our judgements to identify threats to our well-being. Fear wants to save us from a danger as best it can, when the alarm goes off some people will hit the snooze button, not now! Christians have a fear of hell because God has told us it exist for the fallen angels and those who choose to disobey his command. He is the Commander and Chief and will run the Universe to his liking, all who protest their place and service in the divine plan will be court martial. Defection from the Kingdom of God is possible through free will, we have a group of guerrilla combatants trying to enlist us in their battle against the divine. Shoot against his marriage, torpedo his ideas of chastity and purity, sabotage and twist his commands, capture the weak with glitter and gifts, forward march! The battle was started long ago and will end with a final face-off, a decisive victory will ensue, no waiving of the white flag accepted as the commander in chief gives the final order, eliminate the threat. There will be a world that has no threats to its values, one will be in total chaos and the other will be in complete peace with no fears to save us, Hey! Its Yogi Bear! No Lunch worries anymore, the day of the Lord is here.********This blog will resume Dec. 9, 2013.