Monday, November 11, 2013
Natural disasters, nature untame can strike at anytime. We live with the possibility of sudden and predicted disturburances. The warning signals of an occurence can save lives. The time to prepare is a blessing, sometimes nature still overcomes the inhabitants but one must try to do everything possible to survive. We are all thankful for any help in surviving in this world, death can come in many forms from nature to disease, from accidents to old age, from murder to self destruction. We all die, our power cannot stop death from permanently taking us to a place decreed by God. God created Adam and Eve to live forever with him in paradise but free will can oppose that plan for self rule and separation. Christians have a hard time understanding why anyone would stake everything on the here and now. Christians know and believe the warnings and the predictions of Christ to be ready and prepare to enter the heavenly banquet with him. Living for eternity comes as no surprise to the believer, death separates, not annihilates my being. My flesh is separated from my soul, left behind until the great renewal, my soul, my essence, my reality of living goes on and I continue to know my Creator or I continue to reject my Creator. Our life is mingled with death in paradise lost but temporary, we wait for the promise of God to restore his creation. Death will be banished, disobedience never heard from again, justice will be served. Our God is a God of hope, of truth, of love, of power, he has made himself known from the beginning and his word does his will, we know his word, he has not remain silent, we can heed or not, eternal life is no surprise for those who believe their Creator.