Monday, December 16, 2013
Kiss the sunset goodbye. To be in the presence of beauty and good is a torment for the lost angels. They would rather be in the slums, in the noisy cities, in seedy clubs and whacked out perverted mansions and homes. Its a drug for them to take in the sight of evil blocking out the loss of God and the good. They have nothing to live for as the days grow shorter to harm the one causing them pain. Their victory, a product of their imagination comforts them with reality, so they look to get drunk with blood or pain. They cannot have good so they despise every reminder of it, they live only to add souls to their state of hate and godlessness. They kissed the sunset of heaven goodbye, souls who have join them have kissed the sunset of earth goodbye, "drug me up for we have nothing" echoes in their being. Lost of God and good needs a fix, something must replace the nothingness but it all fails as the sun rises and the sun sets.