Friday, November 29, 2013
The prayer of an Atheist ; I am one damn lucky being, for out of nothing I came forth. I will one day return to my nothiness but now I am something. My somethingness is a proven fact, my surroundings undeniable, amazing my origins, all damn luck. I marvel at our beginning, what touched what, look at the painting of Creation, its signed , Luck. Ah, my dear Luck I cannot know you for I am real and you are not, I can speak, think, talk, love, know and you, well , just a happenstance long ago, you are the lowest among your works with a bang and not a birth. You'll never know what I know, never experience what I do, never appreciate and admire your work. Someday I'll join you Luck for surely your the one who made my lucky day. ************ Luck, the roll of the dice, happenstance, a belief for some. Planning, intelligence, pre-existence a belief for others. Those who believe in Luck say to Jesus, hey crazy man your Father is named Luck, deranged one you didn't exist before time, dreamer you can save no one by your power, Son of Luck, only fools believe in you. Oh! some followers of Luck will say we would not say such things! We are civil and nice, Jesus is not a belief of Luck. Say it like you want, sweet or sour, the Lord Jesus will not be nice on the day some will call our unlucky day. ****There they go again, fire and brimstones! fear mongers to those who choose to believe our Luck versus their Lord. We just tell them its dust baby after this life, dumb luck was your Creator but don't worry you have nothing to fear, Luck became powerless over you, you're it! *****Luck, Lord, one underneath us, one above us, we live accordingly.