Thursday, December 19, 2013
The cross of victims, nobody wants to be a victim of anothers free will and power. Unfortunately, the world has had many a victim from all ages to God himself who was so cruelly treated by the free will and power of others. God is especially close to those who have suffered this outrage of unfairness and hate. Nobody has the right to use their power for the harm of others, to do so is to crucify humanity again and again. The Lord is with all the crucified and he will have his day when he will summon the earth before him. Every act of hatred and harm will be accounted for, justice will be served, the repentant and the unrepentant will see the cross, they too will be on the cross, one acknowledging their fault and failing, the other cursing God. We will pass through the cross into the kingdom, like the good thief who was then ready to be with the Lord in his father's house. The one who does not go to the father's house also passes through the cross like the unrepentant criminal next to the Lord's cross, without any remorse and faith his anger and contempt for the Lord flares up to remove the death sentence. The Lord didn't remove the death sentence for any of them, they all died by the cross and one went on with the Lord and the other did not. The good thief, passing through the cross enters into paradise, the other criminal passing through the cross enters into a place without the Lord and calvary does not look so bad now.