Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! We celebrate special occasions, most of the world has heard of Christmas and are aware of the day its celebrated. The grinch of anti-christian, anti-God sentiments has not been able to wipe out Dec. 25 from the holiday schedule. The world celebrates the birth of the Lord, history is divided, before the birth(BC) after the birth (AD). The Lord Jesus is the great divider, he does not compromise the truth, some will leave because the truth is too hard to accept. Some try so hard to melt down, soften, reshape the truth of the Lord but its the truth that will set them free. The truth lets one see as God sees, the infinite Good knows what constitutes love and joy. Nothing can disturb God because he is the truth, not one shadow eclipses his being, he is pure light, love and virtue, to walk into the presence of God would be to walk into holiness. We wouldn't be able to stand in his presence without being purified, it would be too overwhelming. The Lord covers that purity of God with his humanity so we can come into his presence and fellowship with him on the journey home, he is God's adapter for us, we can truly experience our beloved God through the gifts given by the Holy Trinity. Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Happy Birthday to all on Dec 25 and whenever your birthday is! May we be a people who celebrate for all eternity! **********This blog will resume Jan 2, 2O14.