Friday, November 15, 2013
The Thief of Love, how many victims would you take away from true love, from the idea in the mind and heart of God. One man, one woman would be a special team and they would be rooted in their Creator. Man would know woman, woman would know man, man and woman would know God. This knowledge has no room for another man, another woman, another God. Those who keep the relationship intake are a gift and blessing to each other with the stability and source of Love. God will inspire true love, true union, true commitment and courage, Adam and Eve broke away and immediately experienced anxiety, fear and shame. They realized the hard way, the Thief in the garden had come to take away their gifts and treasures. Life would be harder but the idea could survive because God will be present unless convinced to bolt and be smooth- talked to find what is good and what is evil on ones own. How many couples are just busting with love and joy in an unbreakable union. How many have been taken in by the Thief to give him their trust in the matters of love. They could've had it all by being in union with Love. The Thief will slowly destroy the idea of God if it even exists in his followers for the glamours of self indulgence and pleasure. His couples in the world cannot compare to the couples of God. A couple can be enriched or robbed, Adam and Eve experienced both, loved one, regretted the other.