Thursday, December 12, 2013
Radical Catholic, why not, the world is radical for its causes of issues against catholic teaching. The world sings the praises of leaders who put in harms way the unborn children of God, as if their opening the door to the slaughter house is no big deal. Look! they say at all this person has done for society while the blood of the unborn drips on the ground they govern. Drop by drop, the blood fills the land and God who is a respecter of no one will not be a part of the chorus for one who let his neighbor be put to death without interceding by word, action or prayer. We radical catholics who are against the slaughter in society are not violent lawbreakers but a voice for God's children not to be put to death. We know the wages of death will lead to damnation of many who stood by cowardlessly not doing one thing to intervene, a prayer, a vote,... compromising for other benefits, the blood will be a witness and call out to God for justice with society hearing the words of Christ at the last judgement, what you did for the unborn you did for me, put the knife in Christ's hand, could he drive it through the heart of one who wants to live and not die, if he can't how can one who wants to be welcome by him not be horrified by the murder of another. The unborn children will be at the last judgement and justice will be served, the leaders and people that are guilty of their death by direct and indirect means, having no compassion or remorse for their life being snuffed out will forever see the blood on their hands. Let us not die with the blood of the unborn on our hands, let us beg forgiveness if we ever did anything in word or action that contribute to a life being taken, we are indeed our brothers keeper and we will be reminded at the last judgement what we did or did not do for Christ. In todays society God understands we have to be prudent when approached by people because life is cheap and violence is out there so I might and might not give a buck to a person asking, it just depends but I will say a silent prayer for the person as I continue my day. We follow our Head who is uncompromising in life and love, we need to rise in virtue and not to sweep away responsiblity and accountability like Cain who took care of his problem with an act of violence and then declared he is not his brothers keeper. He became separate from God and separate from his family, only concern about his own well being. Me, myself and I is the trinity that wanders aimlessly and is marked with the blood of the earth.*******Many people protest the violence in the bible as Israel at times put to death all the inhabitants in war, men, women and children. We know Israel time after time would fall away into idolatry with the punishment of the death and capture of their society warned by God. The nations who practiced idolatry knew the God of Israel was against all gods save himself and it was forbidden to the point of death which happen to Israel and the practicising nations of false gods. The religion of false gods with its various worships and sacrifices is an abomination to the God of Israel and like Sodom and Gomorrah was wiped out to serve a higher purpose of warning from the one true God.