Thursday, November 14, 2013
The light bulb goes off, darkness follows, the light bulb goes on, sight follows. There are times we want to see and times we don't want to see. Sight and light are great blessings in everyday life, it helps us to execute our daily plans. Natural living is dependent on outside sources, is dependent on my resources. Supernatural living is dependent on being connected to Almighty God. He created the body and soul, his image is imprinted in my being, his light is in my conscience until I turn off the switch by ignoring the discomfort and unease of an action or thought. Its a switch that must constantly be turned off so the light will not condemn the darkness of error and wrong deeds. The conscience is a light bulb of God and he has it on, we can turn it off again and again maybe even think its out for good but it flickers even in the worsed of conditions. Deeds of wrong doing might become effortless and natural so the conscience is render ineffective for the cause of right living with God. To live a supernatural life we must unite ourselves to the will and wisdom of the Creator, we are born again as a new creation in Christ, off with the old man, on with the new man, the ultimate union with God. Christ gives us a new life, a new me, the natural versus the supernatural is like a penny to a gold coin, my being is richly endowed with the gifts of God.