Monday, December 9, 2013
Count Down ; The power company is turning off the power at 8:00 pm and will resume power at 8:00 am the following day. Of course, you're going to plan accordingly what you want to get accomplished before lights out. I believe the power company will do exactly as it said, so I have to use my time wisely. Deadlines, schedules, appointments, all are demanding a portion of our time. Our time is divided amongst many things, who doesn't wish for more time. Time has an appointment to meet with its Creator , we are living the countdown, we don't know the day or hour but the notice was given long ago to be ready. Time has ended for many a soul, to be ready is the best insurance plan for eternity. Time has no power over eternity, vice-versus, eternity runs the show, starting and stopping the clock. No one knows when the human clock will stop, no one knows when the earth's clock will stop, at times we have an idea it could be near and at other times it comes suddenly and unexpected. Be ready, is good advice for clocks we cannot predict with certainty when will be its last tick. We have an announcement, we knows its coming, we can pretend the power company will not turn off the power after giving notice but then we will not be ready for the outage. Darkness will be the new light when I could've had a flashlight to turn on, I could've had the light of Christ turned on in my soul before the power goes out, to live in darkness is the opposite of living with a light source, the light source illuminates what we could not see on our own. We cannot see what God sees without his light switch being turned on in us, his light can be the source of our seeing and living in this world and the world to come. The Kingdom of light, the kingdom of darkness, one has God as its source of seeing the other has no light to see the true, the beautiful, the good , all these gifts were damaged in some way by the sightless for self love over selfless love. Our free will has transformed us into a version of love, God is the highest love, Satan is the lowest love, we are somewhere on the scale, as we go higher our light becomes brighter as we go lower our light becomes darker, our scale will have a final measurement where we will be either apart of the light or apart of the darkness. Yes to the light, no to the darkness or yes to the darkness, no to the light, we freely choose our place on the scale of love.