Tuesday, October 1, 2013
(cont.) We are all living the answer by our first parents to trust the voice of the serpent and his agenda to make us into his image. Adam recognizes God by his own self image, he recognizes Eve as an image of God and man, there is no connection with the image of the serpent, ones going to need quite a makeover for the new look which can only be completed in eternal death where the soul has made its final decision to lose all resemblance to God in favor of the image of the snake and animal like features. The voice we trust will have an effect on our image to one that is Godlike or one that is animallike, we are developing our tastes for the divine or for the creature. To be Godlike is to be a blessing to the world with goodwill and love. To be animallike would be to eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die. Sure some animals can be less threatening than others to the world but not less deadly, for all who promote disobedience to the will of God either by word or example hand their neighbor a snake instead of a fish as a token of their affection. To love as God loves would exclude snake from the menu. (to be continue)