Thursday, October 24, 2013
Pride, the making of a demon. God allows free spirits human and angelic to push the envelope, to test the resolve of the almighty, to foolishly grow bolder in defiance. One voice is heard in heaven, it has crossed a line, it challenges a degree of God. The lone wolf emboldens other voices to speak, should God take a vote, should he consult with his subjects first before issuing a command, should he back off after seeing ruly objections, shall we counsel the Most High! The Creator is not lacking in any area that needs our help. Creator and Creature has very distinct differences, one knows, the other learns, one is, one becomes, one subsist, one depends and the list could go on and on. We have been brought forth from God who is a unity, there is no dissension as if that is needed to be truly free and great. We have been invited to join the Trinity in everlasting life, a communion of the deepest union. Of course, we can go rogue and tell the Trinity unless they change and evolve to be open to diversity of wills, I'm out! Some have taken this course of action, knowing if defeated they will lose all, pride to do ones will supercedes the logic of consequences. The first demons with their High Prince gave themselves through pride a chance of succeeding, the future generations of demons will give their wills the go ahead through many different reasons. there is no hell, there is no God, I'll make amends later, etc. etc. Those who are bent on doing their will above the will of God will roll the dice and hope they are the highest morality to fear. Many demons have put their stamp on many issues, God will not be a God of many wills so they will embrace their cause to the point of opting out of union with the Trinity who they most likely will not acknowledge exists. When presented with reality and the everlasting dwelling place their will inherits they curse and hate God, like they really loved him on earth. The will of God blesses and brings forth good fruit, all opposing wills bring darkness and will be held accountable for the harm they did to his creation. All will see the consequences of their will and God who loves like no other invites us to come and be apart of the one will that blesses and bears good fruit, the will that brought us forth.