Monday, September 30, 2013
(cont.) Adam, Adam, Adam, created in the image of God, created as head of Humanity, you turned into a marshmellow when faced with your first exercise of power. You rather be led than to lead, you rather not open your mouth when someone close to you and someone not close to you challenge the Authority of God, challenge the precept of God, challenge the order of God. The new order will be: Serpent, Eve and Adam. The Serpent will dictate, Eve will respond , Adam will be a good little boy. Chaos in the garden ensues and God expells the residents. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil stood in the middle of the garden. Perhaps the trees had grown into each other with there fruit intermingling and hard to distinguish which fruit belonged to which Tree, the couple avoided the situation. But the day came when they had to make a decision, would they be fed with life or with death, with the truth or a lie, with good or with evil. Which voice will they trust? (to be continue)