Monday, October 14, 2013
Trick or Treat! The door opens with a trash bag in sight, the owner pulls out a banana peel and a empty can of beans and says, one for you and one for you. The door closes and the stun characters react in disbelief with their goodies, they've been tricked! Garbage instead of candy, of course, mother did say avoid the house on 666 Serpentonious dr. but all the lights were on, and its so impressive. Back at home, mother inquires about the candy hunt with good results being reported, a wiff of banana and beans is detected by mother who looks at the characters with their fingers pointing at each other. Dad walks in, 666 Serpentonious Dr. still passing out its trash. Nobody likes to be tricked with garbage, the bag is for sweet eatables only, the nerve! Worse, is for the banana peel and empty can of beans to be counted among the treasures of the bagholder, a confusion of delights. We are all bagholders and what's in our bags depends on whose house we've gone to, trick or treat.