Saturday, October 5, 2013
Let there be! God speaks the word and it comes to pass, man thinks of a project or experiment and he will try to bring that forth which is in his mind. Some minds are not equal, some abilities to get the project to succeed are not equal but the desire to go within oneself and to bring that out has created the world and has added enhancements to it. God shares with man the development of the world and man brings out which is in his mind some of which will not be stamped with "God found it very good". Adam and Eve would bring forth children out of the love which they shared for each other , no need for pen and paper somethings will have a special stamp "God found it very good" probably in gold letters for that which comes out of love is special. We know everything God creates has his love in it and is special and amazing but man and woman was a special act of God, his image and likeness was imparted, we are a part of the family of God.