Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Your eyes will be opened! Eye doctor Serpentonious pulls into town with a banner on his wagon "See what you've been missing". Yes ladies and gentlemen this here fruit is no ordinary fruit, it will open your eyes to see things you never saw before, you will feel invincible! Same old sales pitch with promising results, the miracle fruit is all you need. We see the effects of the "miracle fruit", and most noticeably is the turning away from God. The first couple hid from God, they were not about to meet him as usual because they had changed, they were naked and afraid , they had sinned. Sin is harmful to oneself, to others, to ones relationship with God. Death, evil, separation, fear, now will be apart of the world and their life. To confess is not easy, Adam and Eve would rather just stay behind the trees, that's what sin does, once committed one has a hard time bringing it forth in the open and the light. The only way forward is to come out of the trees and be reconciled with God. God is always calling, "where are you" , he knows its not easy for the naked to come forth but he himself will clothes us with his love and presence and guidance. The flock has grown through the years, and God himself has appointed shepherds to help him care for the needs of all, from feeding to washing, to guiding, to calling, a blessed way of life.