Thursday, October 10, 2013
Who told you that you were naked? Adam thinks a moment, God answers the question, you have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat! The knowledge of good and evil seen through the eyes of evil will see a different image of good. Adam and Eve now have glasses on to see with "new eyes". Evil has guaranteed they will know good and evil and it will not be the same good and evil from God's perspective. For what God calls evil the new vision will call good, what God calls good the new vision will try to blurr as best it can. The glasses from hell can do alot of damage, God will not leave mankind to suffer permanent blindness to what truly is good and what truly is evil, he will shine his light into the minds eye to see through the glasses of good and evil prepared by Dr. Serpentonious with hopefully little or no effect. Even if a struggle should ensue between the vision of God and the vision of evil we need to always try to see from the perspective of Good not the fleeting moments of a fantasyworld that indulges all the passions in a movie directed by Serpentonious Productions & Co.