Monday, October 21, 2013
A world of beliefs crisscrosses the globe. My mind believes this, my mind believes that, my will responds to my conclusions about life. A christian sees through the mind of Christ ,acknowledges a supremacy above ones own knowledge. The mind of a creature that has the capability to make moral decisions which will result in a good effect or evil effect bare a responsibility to society for its decisions. Society will not tolerate some decisions made by its members, it will lock up, fine, put on probation, and possibly eliminate the presence all together from its midst. Those who disregard society's rules and regulations, have put themselves above the law and rolls the dice against being caught and punished by those laws. The more disfunctional a society and its ability to prosecute offenders the more lawlessness rules the land. We are all happy if we live in a country that has the ability to enforce its law so every moment is not lived in utter terror and fear. Even the strongest nations have those elements who have put themselves above the good of society and sow their destruction. Eventually, whether punished by society or eliminated by death the free will and power of individuals will come to an end. Thank God for death, for those who might escape from society will not escape from God and his commands for this world and the next. Evil has a moment of opportunity but never an endless one. Had death not been instituted in the garden, the army of evil would have been tremendous, at least now they must keep replenishing their troops to carry out the destruction of God's creation and creatures. God, the Creator is the lawgiver above all, those who wish to dwell in his kingdom will adhere to his wisdom in knowing good and evil, there is no other God. We will rely on a wisdom and a philosophy that guides our will. Our will proclaims to the world I serve God, I do not serve God, we are accountable before God for our actions because we are like gods who know good and evil thus we are judged for the results of our decisions. We can pretend our knowledge will not be judged but God will have no other gods beside him, we will freely decide for or against God. His Kingdom will be of one heart, one mind, one will.