Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The Great Deception, natural virtue will save one from hell because nice, kind, thoughtful, caring, generous people do not go to such a place. How many converts for the devil were won by cruel, hateful, vicious, dangerous wackos. Hell would be empty if that's what the devil has to work with to attract people to disobey God. Look at nice Susie home-maker, how sweet and kind, meet her live-in boyfriend, great guy would give you the shirt off his back, the devil's in business. The devil needs natural virtuous people to populate hell through their example of live as you want but be civil and loving to each other. People who bypass the bible, the church and the Lord to create new standards of morals will be pawns of the devil he will keep. To come back to the Lord, one has to submit to the wisdom of the Lord and his will for men and women. There was not just one lost angel but countless because being magnificent creatures they supported their decision with the greatness and virtues that surrounded them that were separating from the will of God. A collective group does the unthinkable, challenge the authority of God. Humanity follows suit, many of their peers who have these virtues and abilities do not serve God and they are embolden and follow suit so you have both angelic and human groups of enormous numbers leaving God and taking comfort in their own greatness, virtues and wisdom. The gifts of God can be used for his glory or for the glory of creatures. An enormous group of angels did not join the rebels, were not persuaded by the rank and virtues of others leaving but held firm through the desire to be with God and not to replace him before the appointed time. Humanity has an appointment to be with God, some are waiting like the angels who entered into his presence and some are not waiting like the angels who left for their own self rule and will. The angels have already made their decision, a third of the angels were able to choose self over God, humanity's numbers are yet to be seen but I'm sure those who do not want to wait to see God are taking comfort from many.