Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Levels of Self; The Luciferian Society for Humanity entry level starts with self choosing to engage in passions and desires that brings pleasure regardless of the perspective of God. Pleasure for self is given the green light by the will to achieve its end. Next level chooses to enhance ones being regardless of who might be effected as long as self is benefited. Self is losing compassion and will be able to take from
others for gain. After losing compassion, the next level of Self is able to do great evil to benefit ones will for anything it should desire or concieve for self. The last level of Self reached by demons and some humans is where Self is God and will do
everything possible to exert power and influence over many to be worshipped and served. The more souls one can get enhances and empowers their Self of domination. The Christian Society for Humanity entry
level starts with a fear of hell for Self, forever separation from God for disobeying his commands. The next level percieves the wisdom of God and starts to understand the mind of God. Higher still, Self begins
to be transformed into a real likeness of God by seeing ones neighbor as oneself. Still further, Self climbs higher with the Angels to put the glory of God above all and to put Self at his total and complete service. Love for God and neighbor is the pinnacle of Self that our Master has shown us.