Friday, January 10, 2014
Knowledge versus Wisdom. "Wickeness prevails not over Wisdom" Wisdom serves God and sees with God's eyeglasses, passes along the gift until one decides to throw the glasses to the ground proclaiming, " I see just fine!" Without wisdom your sight has just turned
into darkness and God is not percieved through his gift he first created to know and love him. God's wisdom was debased within the angelic rank with a new
pair of glasses that knowledge would provide. Knowledge versus Wisdom, first result a casting out of the Kingdom, second result, a stripping of all godliness and beauty, third result, a hatred of God
and good, fourth result, the countdown to final destruction hovers over their head, day by day they await the final trumpet and their punishment, unable to escape or hide. Knowledge is a blessed gift unless one says screw God's wisdom. Created Wisdom would say: Everything is a gift and we are in debt. Love and thankfulness would not be lacking but the essence of being and living.