Thursday, January 9, 2014
Pleasure versus Fear; the entry level for heaven and hell. In the garden, we see Adam and Eve choose pleasure, the fruit was pleasing to the eyes and would enhance their IQ over fear, "You shall die". Pleasure
can be a killer and fear can be a lifesaver. One steps into the fiery abyss with feelings of enjoyment and excitement unawares the flames will eventually burn through to the heart and soul causing much grief and despair as the whole self will be aflamed for eternity without relief or aid. The log of illicit pleasure is flammable and unless doused will continue to burned in the fireplace called hell. Souls ablazed with passion for sin reap its fruit of death and self annihilation of being a child of God to being a child of death and darkness where no love for self or neighbor exists. The chose of pleasure over fear for their being results in destruction of the gift given to them.*** One steps into the magnificence paradise of heaven with a fear of hell, continuously on guard and alert unless one falls away and is damned. As one progresses
the heart and soul comes to love and know the Creator and desires a life that burns with the fire of truth and love. Fear is our safeguard to helps us avoid a tragedy such as losing our soul, growing closer and closer to our Creator is the best aid in living now and forever. The gift of our Creator is loved. ****Adam and Eve made the wrong decision and there were consequences but they did not make the worse decision of not repenting and acknowledging they made
a bad chose, God was able to help them because they did not despair and we are in their debt that life continued. Sin brought death, repentance brought life, Adam and Eve dwell with the Lord, may we not have to
learn the hard way like Adam and Eve, may we too be with the Lord. Let the devil go to hell without our souls, of course, he will present his attractive alternatives, lets remember our first parents, pleasure turned to pain, life turn to death, paradise turned to hardships, the salesman from the garden has nothing but death and destruction underneath the pretty wrapped present for us to open. Fear and love of the Lord, save us!