Friday, September 20, 2013
Why I started this blog , simply to share some thoughts. I had registered on a catholic website to post my comment on the recent headlines from the media: 'Pope seeks less focus on abortion, gays, contraception'- USA Today. 'Pope Francis, Catholic Church could fall like a "house of cards"' The priest/Administrator of the site put his best spin on it with people concern and people thankful for his input on reassuring the flock. I thought I would add my thoughts, became a member, my comments were delayed for review then vanished perhaps they are still in the review process. I like what I wrote so I decided to just put it in my own blog, that'll do! The priest/Admin. of his blog likes people to describe something about themselves to weed out spammers so I wrote: A thankful Catholic for clear teaching. Here are my comments that are sitting in limbo or hell on another blog site: The devil's not stupid, cloud, confuse, doublespeak, "let your yes be maybe, your no be "whom am I to say". The Lord is clear , let your yes be yes, your no be no, anything else is from the evil one. The world deserves the truth but might kill you for it.(or at least look at you as unkind and uncaring) The truth has not been tolerated well in this world.