Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Theory; Why would God get rid of his pet dinosaurs? In heaven there was a battle and it involved man, some Angels said Yes, some Angels said No, even Angels have to be humble. The ones who would not submit to God's Wisdom, giving them the one missing ingredient to enter God's presence face to face, humility, couldn't part with their preconcieved ideas of their Superiority and Rank in God's kingdom. Once Wisdom departed from them, their intellect became darken and like man can think all kinds of strange things about God, about ways of finding divinity, power, without the one true God. Nobody can see God without the missing ingredient , not my will be done O' God but your will be done, only a humble heart can say that and is given the opportunity to say it. Fast forward this to the Garden and picture a conversation: Satan "Surely if man were free he would choose me over you, just like your countless Angels" God, I will posses the Tree of Life ,you shall posses the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil" And so God warn Adam not to eat of this tree. Having no luck with Adam and Eve disobeying the command of God , Lucifer had to let his voice be heard, with permission, he entered the snake. The snake coiled on the branches of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil called out to the pair, I'm sure a surprise, but they still could kill this snake for all humanity by sticking with their Creator. Didn't happen, the snake was able to live and strike at Adam and Eves children till his head will be finally cut off. Back to the dinosaurs, the fallen angels were cast down to the earth, I'm sure a real explosion but whatever would survive would be annihilated by the fallen Angels as revenge to the extent permitted by God and to change the atmosphere with there evil presence. God would give man a chance to enter the battle and defeat his enemy. The earth could of looked real bad after that but then the time came for God to create the Garden for the man and woman and to begin the renewal of the world, some things just do not go as plan. But there was still hope, Adam and Eve didn't dispair and end humanity, they sucked it up and had hope for God's Answer. Amen