Monday, September 30, 2013
(cont.) Adam, Adam, Adam, created in the image of God, created as head of Humanity, you turned into a marshmellow when faced with your first exercise of power. You rather be led than to lead, you rather not open your mouth when someone close to you and someone not close to you challenge the Authority of God, challenge the precept of God, challenge the order of God. The new order will be: Serpent, Eve and Adam. The Serpent will dictate, Eve will respond , Adam will be a good little boy. Chaos in the garden ensues and God expells the residents. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil stood in the middle of the garden. Perhaps the trees had grown into each other with there fruit intermingling and hard to distinguish which fruit belonged to which Tree, the couple avoided the situation. But the day came when they had to make a decision, would they be fed with life or with death, with the truth or a lie, with good or with evil. Which voice will they trust? (to be continue)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
(Cont) The man and woman came forth from God and not a lineage of animals that would know how to take care of themselves in their enviroment, no they do not have a hidden bloodline that God has kept from them to break at a later time when they dig up grandma and grandpa. God is not one to lie or decieve, when Adam opened his eyes he knew his Creator and the resemblance made the bond thicker than blood. Eve saw herself created in God and Adam and rejoiced in her bonds and the gateway she would be for others to enter the world, life is good. Adam being created in the image and likeness of God knew he had the vocation to be the leader of the pack. So when he sees his beloved Eve talking with the snake and then about to take a bite of the fruit God told him would be deadly, he shouldn't be watching to see if Eve's going to drop dead. Earth to Heaven, we have problems. Love for God, Love for Eve, should have saved the day but Adam was helpless in his self absorption. (to be continue after blogger rest day)
Friday, September 27, 2013
Bon Appetit ! After the devil's failure to tempt Jesus to come to the otherside, scripture says the angels came and waited on him. Its been a long forty days and he's hungry and I'm sure the angels did not give him a bow and arrow to go hunt something. Being the Son of God he could have taken care of his hunger pains quite easily or roughed it as Son of Man by breaking out the traps. 40 days is a long time to be without food but not impossible, must have been quite a sight when the devil showed up. God's people wander 40 years in the desert before entering the promised land, humanity has been wandering 4000 years since leaving the promised land, somethings just do not go according to plan, and we are quite a sight to behold. I'm sure had we taken care of business from day one with the tempter, Adam and Eve would have been graced with not just hearing God's voice but seeing him face to face which would have sealed the deal in knowing as God knows to the extent we can, and that would have included knowing Good and Evil from the right perspective, not from the enemy's perspective. The forbidden fruit which opened Adam and Eve's eyes had them running for cover and their new found wisdom and Godhood couldn't even make a decent set of clothes. ( to be continued)
Thursday, September 26, 2013
(Cont' pg. 2) One would think the devil would have made his offer to a younger Jesus, there were some huge signs beforehand why wait, maybe God let a blindness come over the fallen angels, had an angelic jammer going on, the devil doesn't try a failed tactic twice with Jesus. The Head of humanity gets baptized and the Trinity is revealed clearly , plan B is here. We will get to know the Father like never before, we will follow the Son to lead us in the right direction, we will recieve the Holy Spirit to help us see as God sees. " This is my beloved Son, my favor rests on him". The renewal can begin with the acceptance of the new Adam who does not say yes to the tempter, the removal of the enemy, the glory of God with us, somethings just do not go as plan. The Son of God, the key ingredient to make this work was rejected and spurned by many not just a few. Plan C? No, the Son would be meek and humble, would give the direction for the flock to go, would honor the Father unto the cross and would show the world an unbelievable Adam, one that we can freely choose to have as our Head. The final confortation with the snake is coming and the chopping off of his head which has grown to the size of 666, he'll never be a 777.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
666, most people would not want to be associated with that number and probably would do everything possible to eradicate that number being assign to them in any way. The number 6 is a very good number for it is the number of man who was created on the sixth day. 777 is the ultimate number because it represents God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and on the seventh day God rested, its been a good week, nothing more to do but rest and celebrate, we hope God had a few Sundays to celebrate. Adam and Eve would learn the truth the hard way instead of believing the all powerful God and Creator they would believe the snake who would convince them to aspire a little higher, get a little wiser, just like me. The snake is a creature of God, therefore good, this snake could have become possess or was just an illusion of a snake either way God permitted Adam and Eve to rid this snake of the world for good which would have been the ultimate humilation and defeat of Lucifer who was able to convince a third of heaven to follow him, he prides himself on his successes, ever feeding his ego. I believe his ego convinces him he will find a way to prevail and be victorious. Maybe he will capture something valuable to God and hold it ransom demanding his own kingdom to rule and reign as he please, etc. The derange will always think of ways to gain power until they are finally squashed with reality. The first punishment God dishes out after Adam and Eve come clean is to the Serpent, loud mouth, big shot, who has been transformed into God's equal. Not one word from him to challenge God, not a peep. Adam and Eve must have been surprise to see the serpent speechless and weak. The snake as a creature of God is good but since his image was used in evil, his image now would be one of lowliness and one that can be poisonous, a reminder that certain snakes can kill. So, God's rest was short lived and now he would have to go to plan B since plan A didn't eradicate the Evil one for humanity but gave him free reign of the place. The plan would take time(from our perspective) but God would be with his people and he would lead them with his teaching and his presence. They would travel the years together sometimes with much difficulty but God is faithful and keeps pointing out the direction to be taken. Then the voice of the snake is heard again to the new Adam who could give him the ultimate victory and power he is seeking with an agreement between the Divine and Ruler of the World, talk about getting puffed up all these years. The devil pays Jesus no respect wanting him to prove his divinity as if he might be willing to to deal with him but decides he'll take a chance with giving him all that he possess in exchange for his worship. Why Jesus, he heard the voice come out of the sky at Jesus baptism saying this is my beloved Son, not prophet, not scribe, not messiah but "My Son". One thing the devil knows about God, he would not lie and he doesn't decieve, he heard it and its possible the Angels were not priviledge to the knowledge of the Son of God before they made their chose when they would have seen him face to face. If he knew Jesus existed before why not just say, is that you whom we knew of back in the day? The scriptures hint at the possibilty of God's Son but even the devil who knows scripture wants some proof this could be a God-Man but Jesus really doesn't care what the devil thinks of him and passes on the offer. (to be continue)
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Theory; Why would God get rid of his pet dinosaurs? In heaven there was a battle and it involved man, some Angels said Yes, some Angels said No, even Angels have to be humble. The ones who would not submit to God's Wisdom, giving them the one missing ingredient to enter God's presence face to face, humility, couldn't part with their preconcieved ideas of their Superiority and Rank in God's kingdom. Once Wisdom departed from them, their intellect became darken and like man can think all kinds of strange things about God, about ways of finding divinity, power, without the one true God. Nobody can see God without the missing ingredient , not my will be done O' God but your will be done, only a humble heart can say that and is given the opportunity to say it. Fast forward this to the Garden and picture a conversation: Satan "Surely if man were free he would choose me over you, just like your countless Angels" God, I will posses the Tree of Life ,you shall posses the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil" And so God warn Adam not to eat of this tree. Having no luck with Adam and Eve disobeying the command of God , Lucifer had to let his voice be heard, with permission, he entered the snake. The snake coiled on the branches of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil called out to the pair, I'm sure a surprise, but they still could kill this snake for all humanity by sticking with their Creator. Didn't happen, the snake was able to live and strike at Adam and Eves children till his head will be finally cut off. Back to the dinosaurs, the fallen angels were cast down to the earth, I'm sure a real explosion but whatever would survive would be annihilated by the fallen Angels as revenge to the extent permitted by God and to change the atmosphere with there evil presence. God would give man a chance to enter the battle and defeat his enemy. The earth could of looked real bad after that but then the time came for God to create the Garden for the man and woman and to begin the renewal of the world, some things just do not go as plan. But there was still hope, Adam and Eve didn't dispair and end humanity, they sucked it up and had hope for God's Answer. Amen
Monday, September 23, 2013
My sheep hear my voice"(Jesus/Bible). The world is a pasture with many flocks, sheep want to be with other sheep, it makes them feel secure. There is no such thing as a sheep who blazes his own path, who anounces to the other sheep, I'm in charge now, lets ditch this shepherd. No, there is a voice over every herd dictating the direction to be taken. Since humanity has been gifted with free will and intelligence they can choose which voice they will follow. Since a flock can only grow through free will, the voice must entice his herd to come and follow me. " I wil let you roam anywhere you choose, do anything you want, no restrictions! Everything is possible here, come and see!" Another voice says, I love you, I would give my life for you so you may be with me always.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Being a Catholic , who is grateful for the gift of the Church and her teachings from day one with the words of Christ to the proclamations that are binding on Catholics to maneuver through history with a sound moral and theological foundation lest we be swept away with the newest and latest versions of evil and falsehood that are constantly updating and remarketing the product to get more customers, the Church is the Anti-Evil tool of God to humanity to seek and scan for evil and deception, to block and destroy error, to restore to manufactures default which can be simple or complex, the Church has the tools, sometimes one has to find the tech who works best with them.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Let your yes be yes and your no be no, anything else is from the evil one.(Bible/Jesus) We can speak a thousand words, write ten thousand words, the short or long of it, Christ doesn't want anyone to walk away confused, the yes will be there or the no will be there, to leave someone thinking "maybe" when dealing with truth would serve evil. How does God helps us see the truth, Thou Shall! Thou Shall Not! He's not one to confuse the truth with evil.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Why I started this blog , simply to share some thoughts. I had registered on a catholic website to post my comment on the recent headlines from the media: 'Pope seeks less focus on abortion, gays, contraception'- USA Today. 'Pope Francis, Catholic Church could fall like a "house of cards"' The priest/Administrator of the site put his best spin on it with people concern and people thankful for his input on reassuring the flock. I thought I would add my thoughts, became a member, my comments were delayed for review then vanished perhaps they are still in the review process. I like what I wrote so I decided to just put it in my own blog, that'll do! The priest/Admin. of his blog likes people to describe something about themselves to weed out spammers so I wrote: A thankful Catholic for clear teaching. Here are my comments that are sitting in limbo or hell on another blog site: The devil's not stupid, cloud, confuse, doublespeak, "let your yes be maybe, your no be "whom am I to say". The Lord is clear , let your yes be yes, your no be no, anything else is from the evil one. The world deserves the truth but might kill you for it.(or at least look at you as unkind and uncaring) The truth has not been tolerated well in this world.
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